This week's energy supports you to Be-Still and nurture
Let's face it... we live in a FAST-Paced world. A world
of pressures and deadlines and anxiousness.
This week fully supports you to STOP - The - MADness!
Take the time you need to BREATHE!
If you're like me, when you get busy - even when you're doing
something you love... - you start holding your breath. Ever catch yourself
holding your breath? Holding our breath and breathing shallowly wears out
the physical body - quickly!
So... in This-Moment... Close your eyes and take a DEEP
- Refreshing - Breath of the Breath of God.
Feels really good, right?
Now that you have some oxygen in your body and clarity is
coming back... make a list of things to do just for you - activities - or
non-activities - that make you really happy - and schedule a time to do them
today and the next day and the next day.
Sing like no one is listening.
Dance like no one is watching...
Invite your angels to join you and make it a party!
Stop multi-tasking and release all that human need to rush,
rush, rush and fully engage in nurturing YOU!
Live will be SO - Much - Easier!
You got this!
In love and light,

ps - need human support to live your biggest, most
magnificent life? The next LIVE GAME of LIFE Mastery Program begins in
March - you gotta check it out!
Mastery Program
Just need a tool to get you over the hump? Check these out:
How to Create Your Heaven on Earth Program
Meet Your Worry Angel - full program
Meet Your Money Angel - full program
Affirmations: Your Passport to Happiness - with Dr. Anne Marie Evers
Receive and Understand Messages from Your Angels
Communicating with Your Angels
Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness
All of these tools are included in both the Self-Study and LIVE versions of The GAME of LIFE Mastery Programs. No time to participate in a live class? Not to worry - you'll LOVE the Self-Study!
How to Create Your Heaven on Earth Program
Meet Your Worry Angel - full program
Meet Your Money Angel - full program
Affirmations: Your Passport to Happiness - with Dr. Anne Marie Evers
Receive and Understand Messages from Your Angels
Communicating with Your Angels
Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness
All of these tools are included in both the Self-Study and LIVE versions of The GAME of LIFE Mastery Programs. No time to participate in a live class? Not to worry - you'll LOVE the Self-Study!
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