Saturday, February 6, 2016

Football ~ a Grief Healing Tool?

Happy New Year!  I know... it's already February... and this is the first newsletter for 2016.  
Majik's graduation to the angelic realm has been very challenging for me emotionally, leading to my retreat from social interaction. 

Even though I've seen little Maj's spirit and know he's way more than fine, my human-ness has struggled.  Grief has its own time table for healing and this time, I've embraced just "BE-ing."
One tool I've used to help heal the deep wound of my heart is NFL Football.  

 Yes... football... 

I love to watch football at home ~~ with pause and rewind.

I believe it's all the screaming - my screaming that happens when my team scores - or the other team scores - or I think there's a bad call on a penalty - or no call - or a dropped ball - or a missed catch - or a sack - or a missed tackle or....  you get the idea...

But I admit...  I really don't know the rules of football or what a blitz is (even though I've been told over and over again)... 

With this knowledge, it should be easy for you to understand why we can't go somewhere to watch football or have company over because I need to be able to scream without filters.

And I'll admit that I get teary eyed when I see a kneel in prayer, a helping hand offered to a player who just got tackled by the tackel-ee, and the scoring football given to a child in the stands (but lets be clear - the Bronco's are my team).

All the screaming has definitely helped me process through my grief in a very constructive way - at least from my point of view - and I'm rejoining society a little more each day.

Since Maj passed I haven't been able to support you through the weekly newsletter, however, I have been praying for you.  If you follow me on Facebook you may have seen My Prayer for You image.  Go to my Facebook page to embrace and claim the energy of the prayer - and I'd love it if you would share it with those you love, so they too, may embrace and claim the love energy.

This year of 2016 holds the energy for amazing miracles.  Don't let the energy of worry, unforgiveness, or untrue neural pathways of belief; like being unworthy, undeserving, unlovable or not good enough stand in your way this year.  

YOU ARE Worthy - Deserving - Lovable AND Good Enough to Be, Do and Have everything that makes your heart sing with joy!

And if you're grieving like me, find an outlet for your grief - maybe football?  One more game...

And... as a heads up...  The next "Live" GAME of LIFE Mastery Program will begin in March.  The Self-Study is available now.  Make This Year be THE YEAR you improve your life in miraculous ways - all you need are the tools and both mastery programs include them!

Thank you for being our extended family.  We are SO grateful for you!

All the love of my healing heart,

P.S.  Remember the "Love Is" comics that began in the 1960's?  

I now have one of my own:

And.... ~~ this is a big one ~~  "Love Is":  Freddy watching ALL the football playoff games ~~ play-by-play with me - no fast forwarding to the end - TWELVE Hours of Football!

PLUS... ~~ an even BIGGER "LOVE IS:" ~~ Freddy watching the Superbowl at home with just me - no guests.


For those of you who know Majik's energy and have loved him,
I'll have his Memorial on the website soon!

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