Tuesday, February 23, 2016

5 Day Mini Vacation with Your Angels - AWESOME!

Monday, February 22 was an AWESOME first day of the 5 Day Mini Vacation with Your Angels program!  We met our Guardian Angel, learned his/her name and one lady's mother joined her from the Angelic Realm - never know what's going to happen when your heart is open to the love!

Today we'll be meeting your Worry Angel - already met yours?  Join us and take your relationship to a deeper level - you gotta be there!
Tomorrow, Wednesday, we'll meet with your Money Angel and learn how to work with him and your Worry Angel to stop worrying about money and open your arms to receive all that's yours by divine right - and yes, you deserve avalanches of cash flow - no matter who you are, or what your life looks like in this moment!
Thursday will be a day of love with your Relationship Angel.  Single?  Want help with your Love Life, Relationships with your family or co-workers?  What about the relationship you have with you?  Join me and open your heart to the divinity within you!
Friday will bring its own very special message that You - Will - Not - Want - to Miss!
Oh yes... this is my gift to YOU - FREE - all you have to do is sign up and show up - NO TUITION!  AND... the program will be recorded, so if the timing doesn't work with your schedule - not a problem!

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