This week's energy supports stepping outside your
comfort zone!
Are you happy with your status quo? Not really?
Do you feel there is something more for you - more happiness, joy and love
This week's energy supports you to open your mind to the
dreams of joy that reside in your heart - and to stop listening to that voice of
ridicule that tells you, "you can't be, do or have that."
Remember... from the Angelic GPS message of week
January 4-10, if you can have the "idea" of Being, Doing or Having
something, then that experience is already yours at a higher plane of existence
- that's where you got the "idea" - your Higher Self gave it to you!
So... in This-Moment... close your eyes and look deep within
your heart... what would you be doing if you knew you could not fail? If
you knew that what you wanted to Be, Do or Have was already yours, all you had
to do is claim it? What would you do?
When you claim that experience - whatever it is - and shift
to that magnificent energy of joy that Being, Doing or Having what you want
would give you, you'll discover that energy isn't so scary after all.
Actually it feels pretty darn good!
No more excuses.
You've been building the foundation to experience your Heaven
on Earth for years. It's time to "live" it now!
You got this!
In love and light,

ps - need human support to live your biggest, most
magnificent life? The next LIVE GAME of LIFE Mastery Program begins in
March - you gotta check it out!
Just need a tool to get you over the hump? Check these out:
How to Create Your Heaven on Earth Program
Meet Your Worry Angel - full program
Meet Your Money Angel - full program
Affirmations: Your Passport to Happiness - with Dr. Anne Marie Evers
Receive and Understand Messages from Your Angels
Communicating with Your Angels
Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness
Angels & Full Moon Energy Reveal: Your Pathway to Miracles - Full Moon: February 22
All of these tools are included in The GAME of LIFE Mastery Programs - both the Self-Study and the LIVE versions!
How to Create Your Heaven on Earth Program
Meet Your Worry Angel - full program
Meet Your Money Angel - full program
Affirmations: Your Passport to Happiness - with Dr. Anne Marie Evers
Receive and Understand Messages from Your Angels
Communicating with Your Angels
Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness
Angels & Full Moon Energy Reveal: Your Pathway to Miracles - Full Moon: February 22
All of these tools are included in The GAME of LIFE Mastery Programs - both the Self-Study and the LIVE versions!
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