Wouldn't it have been wonderful to whip out a Band-Aid ~ slap
it on the open "feeling wound" and be all better?
But NOOooooo... there are no Band-Aids for Hurt Feelings.
Come a little closer... I want to share something with you...
For years, I perfected being a victim of hurt feelings. Then I learned
that experiences that result in hurt feelings are all about reaction - my
reaction - And they serve a purpose.
Myth: When our feelings are hurt it's fully the
'fault' of the other person and they need to fix it.
Fact: The experience of getting our "feelings hurt"
are all about "us" - not them (the perpetrator). (However, this
does not condone behavior.)
Fact: When we're in our power,
we can-not be blindsided by a life experience that results in our feelings
getting hurt.
When we're blindsided and our feelings get hurt - it's a clear message from the
Universe that there's something we need to look at:
* something that's being mirrored to us that we don't like
about ourselves
* a belief that we believe to be true that isn't.
* a belief that we believe to be true that isn't.
Truth: This energy that we need to look at is NOT coming forward to
punish us! On the contrary, this energy is crying out to be healed and
the experience of getting our feelings hurt is the catalyst
for healing.
Sooooo.... When your feelings get hurt, circle your wagons by calling your angels
in and ask them to show you what you need to look at to heal the less than love
'hurt feeling' energy.
Then follow the breadcrumbs of the energy to its origin -
where the emotional wound originally began. Once you get there, take the
hands of your angels forming a circle and place the current situation, all
people involved, plus the breadcrumb energy and the original core energy in the
With the support of your angels, send all the love of your
heart to the experiences and people in the center of your circle. Infuse
them completely with Love and the intention to create a higher outcome.
Remember, Florence Scovel Shinn says: Love is the most
powerful, magnetic force in the universe! Love has the power to HEAL
Everything that is painful!
This process is SO Easy - give it a try - you'll love it!
Pull your archive of 'hurt feelings' out and heal them by:
~ Facing the energy of the experience
~ Ask your angels to support you and help you to:
~ Follow the breadcrumbs of the uncomfortable, painful energy to its core. You'll discover the energy that's been between you and your ultimate happiness.
~ Ask your angels to support you and help you to:
~ Follow the breadcrumbs of the uncomfortable, painful energy to its core. You'll discover the energy that's been between you and your ultimate happiness.
Do this today and be sure to put this process
in your arsenal to use in the future and your life will be So-Much-Easier!
If you need help with this, there are many tools on the
Kiss website to help you:
>The Gift of Forgiveness Program
> How to Create Your Heaven on Earth Program
> Master Loving Relationship - from Family to Work
> Healing Circle of Love
> PLUS all these tools are included in both the LIVE and the Self-Study version of the GAME of LIFE Mastery Program
> How to Create Your Heaven on Earth Program
> Master Loving Relationship - from Family to Work
> Healing Circle of Love
> PLUS all these tools are included in both the LIVE and the Self-Study version of the GAME of LIFE Mastery Program
Note: This information does not condone the
behavior of others. We live in a physical world with other humans and we
all do and say things that are inappropriate and hurt others - not because we
'plan' to, but because we're human and sometimes we just don't live from our
heart space.
I know how awful it is when feelings get hurt - mine get
hurt, too when I'm holding energy I need to heal, and this is exactly what I do!
From here forward when you get blindsided, think of me and use this healing
method plus anything else that works for you and transcend the situation and
heal the pain. ~~You Got This!
So... you don't need a band-aid to help your hurt feelings to
get better - you now have this healing method to heal hurt feelings right away
from their core.
In love and light,
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