Sunday, February 28, 2016

Soul Kiss February 28, 2016



Angelic GPS February 29 - March 6, 2016

This week's energy supports you to Be-Still and nurture yourself!
Let's face it... we live in a FAST-Paced world.  A world of pressures and deadlines and anxiousness.
This week fully supports you to STOP - The - MADness!
Take the time you need to BREATHE! 
If you're like me, when you get busy - even when you're doing something you love... - you start holding your breath.  Ever catch yourself holding your breath?  Holding our breath and breathing shallowly wears out the physical body - quickly!
So... in This-Moment...  Close your eyes and take a DEEP - Refreshing - Breath of the Breath of God.
Feels really good, right?
Now that you have some oxygen in your body and clarity is coming back...  make a list of things to do just for you - activities - or non-activities - that make you really happy - and schedule a time to do them today and the next day and the next day.
Sing like no one is listening.
Dance like no one is watching...
Invite your angels to join you and make it a party!
Stop multi-tasking and release all that human need to rush, rush, rush and fully engage in nurturing YOU!
Live will be SO - Much - Easier!
You got this!
In love and light,
ps - need human support to live your biggest, most magnificent life?  The next LIVE GAME of LIFE Mastery Program begins in March - you gotta check it out!  The GAME of LIFE Mastery Program
Just need a tool to get you over the hump?  Check these out:
How to Create Your Heaven on Earth Program
Meet Your Worry Angel - full program
Meet Your Money Angel - full program
Affirmations: Your Passport to Happiness - with Dr. Anne Marie Evers
Receive and Understand Messages from Your Angels
Communicating with Your Angels
Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness

All of these tools are included in both the Self-Study and LIVE versions of The GAME of LIFE Mastery Programs.  No time to participate in a live class? Not to worry - you'll LOVE the Self-Study!

Friday, February 26, 2016

God makes a way...

When adversity stares me in the eye, this quote by Florence Scovel Shinn from "The Game of Life and How to Play It" supports me with so much comfort and love. I'm stronger and I see past adversity to the perfection in life's challenging situations.

I hope this will support you and bring you strength to know that failure is only a perception - change your perception to success and success appears!
The Game of Life Mastery Program

Soul Kiss February 26, 2016



Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Magic Purse of Spirit

When you accept the fearless energy of Florence's quote as your truth, it becomes your reality.

The foundation of our modern society teaches us that we "need" to struggle to enjoy the freedom money gives us. This is a lie.

Our supply in all things - including money comes from a higher power, God, the Universe, the Creator of All that Is... It is the energy within you that either accelerates financial flow or blocks it.

Is your energy accelerating the flow of money to you, or blocking it?

Soul Kiss February 25, 2016



Wednesday, February 24, 2016

GOLMP - GAME of LIFE Mastery Program begins March 15, 2016!

Videos and special gifts to help you discern if The LIVE GAME of LIFE Mastery Program holds the tools you need to improve all areas of your square of life ~ square of life being:  wealth, love, health, perfect self-expression ~ begins next week.  

No need to sign up - just watch your emails or check here at the Blog to gain access! 

The program begins March 15, so check your calendar, but don't throw in the towel if it doesn't work for your schedule - the program will be recorded AND has "Transcripts"!!

Soul Kiss February 24, 2016



Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Just how important are Power Panties?

You know how it is to be a mom - taking care of everyone else before you take care of yourself...  and new underwear for yourself is the very last thing on the list.  Then next thing you know everything's worn out at the same time, but you're wearing it anyway.  Does this describe you - mom with small children or not?

I remember the first time I heard the term "Power Panties."  I was at an event that Kathryn Perry was presenting and it set into motion a path of self-discovery that I hadn't expected - several years later.

Foundation garments are more than just fabric, elastic and optional lace.  They're a representation of how we feel about ourselves - our foundation.  It took a few years for this to sink in - with a little help from spirit...  

When my dear grandmother died I had a hard time with the grief and my Freddy put some money on the counter and told me to go shopping and not to come back till I spent every penny.  So I got dressed and left with my cash.

I bought new silverware, got a new shower head for Freddy, new washrags for the guest bath and a bunch of other things for the house.  Then I got hungry, so I went to the drive through at Jim & Nicks and got a BBQ slider and some of those corn muffins they make - delish!

I was sitting in the parking lot eating them, when I remembered that event with Kathryn and her story about Power Panties... and I heard Grandma whisper Victoria's Secret...

This surprised me because grandma would never have shopped at Victoria's Secret for herself.  But... she would go with me...

So I finished the muffins and went to Victoria's Secret.  Well... I had a really good time there with a sweet associate who had nothing else to do but help me and it was a good thing I had my card, because we really enjoyed ourselves.

Three years later Victoria's Secret loves me a lot... and my foundation garments reflect the Kate I want to be - not the Kate who always put herself last.  I always get a kick out of choosing underwear for the day, asking myself, "Just how empowered do I want to feel today?"

AND... this doesn't just pertain to women... men's underwear is a multi-million dollar business, too! 

Power Panties are just another tool to add to our arsenal of feeling really good about ourselves from our foundation!
In love and light,

5 Day Mini Vacation with Your Angels - AWESOME!

Monday, February 22 was an AWESOME first day of the 5 Day Mini Vacation with Your Angels program!  We met our Guardian Angel, learned his/her name and one lady's mother joined her from the Angelic Realm - never know what's going to happen when your heart is open to the love!

Today we'll be meeting your Worry Angel - already met yours?  Join us and take your relationship to a deeper level - you gotta be there!
Tomorrow, Wednesday, we'll meet with your Money Angel and learn how to work with him and your Worry Angel to stop worrying about money and open your arms to receive all that's yours by divine right - and yes, you deserve avalanches of cash flow - no matter who you are, or what your life looks like in this moment!
Thursday will be a day of love with your Relationship Angel.  Single?  Want help with your Love Life, Relationships with your family or co-workers?  What about the relationship you have with you?  Join me and open your heart to the divinity within you!
Friday will bring its own very special message that You - Will - Not - Want - to Miss!
Oh yes... this is my gift to YOU - FREE - all you have to do is sign up and show up - NO TUITION!  AND... the program will be recorded, so if the timing doesn't work with your schedule - not a problem!

Soul Kiss February 23, 2016



Sunday, February 21, 2016

Soul Kiss, February 21, 2016



Angelic GPS February 22 - 28, 2016

This week's energy supports stepping outside your comfort zone!
Are you happy with your status quo?  Not really?  Do you feel there is something more for you - more happiness, joy and love perhaps? 
This week's energy supports you to open your mind to the dreams of joy that reside in your heart - and to stop listening to that voice of ridicule that tells you, "you can't be, do or have that."
Remember... from the Angelic GPS message of week January 4-10, if you can have the "idea" of Being, Doing or Having something, then that experience is already yours at a higher plane of existence - that's where you got the "idea" - your Higher Self gave it to you!
So... in This-Moment... close your eyes and look deep within your heart... what would you be doing if you knew you could not fail?  If you knew that what you wanted to Be, Do or Have was already yours, all you had to do is claim it?  What would you do?
When you claim that experience - whatever it is - and shift to that magnificent energy of joy that Being, Doing or Having what you want would give you, you'll discover that energy isn't so scary after all.  Actually it feels pretty darn good!
No more excuses. 
You've been building the foundation to experience your Heaven on Earth for years.  It's time to "live" it now!
You got this!
In love and light,
ps - need human support to live your biggest, most magnificent life?  The next LIVE GAME of LIFE Mastery Program begins in March - you gotta check it out!  

Just need a tool to get you over the hump?  Check these out:
How to Create Your Heaven on Earth Program
Meet Your Worry Angel - full program
Meet Your Money Angel - full program
Affirmations: Your Passport to Happiness - with Dr. Anne Marie Evers
Receive and Understand Messages from Your Angels
Communicating with Your Angels
Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness
Angels & Full Moon Energy Reveal: Your Pathway to Miracles - Full Moon: February 22

All of these tools are included in The GAME of LIFE Mastery Programs - both the Self-Study and the LIVE versions!