Saturday, September 5, 2009

All is Not What it Seems

Day 6 of 31 Days to Fulfillment!

Journaling is a priceless tool to connecting with our angelic entourage of angels, guides, teachers, deceased loved ones… and… God. I write about the first thing that comes to my mind when I put pen to paper and the answers flow through the ink along with my… I’ll say sharing instead of venting.

The ideas miraculously spring forth to the paper quickly followed by steps to bring the “ideas” to fruition – Amazing!

Today I was chatting with my dad, Big Jim, about an issue that has been troubling me. From a spiritual, universal standpoint I could see several scenarios as to why this particular situation came to be. When daddy cut in and said, “Everything is not always what it seems.”


A little more info would have been good, but either he left or I got physical world distracted. Chances are, I was physical world distracted and he continued to watch me and grin – waiting for my higher self to kick in and make sense of the whole thing.

I stepped into the angelic realm to ponder the issue of my attention and left the emotions of the physical world behind. Hmmm… without fear a lot was revealed… Being human I am at times an impatient creature (imagine that?). I wanted validation, so I asked for a reading from my dear friend Jennifer Hoffman I didn’t even have to bring it up – she did. She then laid out what I knew in my heart.

I could see clearly the “perfection” of this startling and unexpected life situation. Clearly it is one of Infinite Possibility!

Good or bad is always a perception. When we move ourselves to a place without emotion (infinite possibility/pure potentiality) all may be revealed. Fear is what blinds and blocks us to the perfection of people and life situations.

Trusting in the fact that All is not as it seems lights the way to opportunity and possibility.

Where is your trust today? Are you listening to the intuition, the still voice within, or are you winging it on your own?

May you open your heart to the knowing within and discover the infinite possibilities of trust…

In love and light,

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