Sunday, June 26, 2016

Angelic GPS June 27 - July 3, 2016

Have you reclaimed your power?

If not, why not?

If so, are you maintaining it?  Or are you letting it slip away and allowing outside energies to push and pull you to exhaustion?

Just what the heck are you doing?
This week's energy supports you to see the possibilities for your happiest, most magnificent life!

"I'm stronger, now..." is a powerful mantra.

No doubt you've made decisions in the past that really didn't turn out the way you had hoped.  Everyone has.  And... you're probably beating yourself up about some of those decisions.  You gotta stop.

You made the best decision you could with the information you had at the time.

Now you have the opportunity to make better decisions.  Because... you've experienced the prior outcome and now you're stronger.

This week, sit with your angels and breathe into your Heart-Space - that place of limitless love, peace, joy and acceptance.

Ask your angels to show you how happy your life can be, then allow yourself to experience whatever comes to you.

You may see a vision, movie or image in your mind's eye.  You may hear a description inside or outside your head.  You may simply have a knowing within you of the tremendous possibilities that are yours.

Grasp the limitless possibility energy and "KNOW" that it's real!


And... you deserve to live the happiest, most magnificent life possible!

What would that feel like?  Feel that energy.  Embrace that energy of joy and happiness throughout every cell of your body and your BE-ing.

This energy is your power - Love incarnate.

Become BFF with this energy to live your happiest, most magnificent life!

In love and light,
ps - need tools to support you to live your biggest, most magnificent life?  The GAME of LIFE Mastery Self-Study Program is available now - check it out!  The GAME of LIFE Mastery Program
Just need a tool to get you over the hump?  Check these out:
Receive & Understand Messages from Your Angels
Communicating with Your Angels - Self Study Class
How to Create Your Heaven on Earth Program
Meet Your Worry Angel - full program
Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness
Healing Trilogy - 3 guided meditations: Love, Worthiness, Forgiveness

All of these tools are included in both the Self-Study and LIVE versions of The GAME of LIFE Mastery Programs.  No time to participate in a live class? Not to worry - you'll LOVE the Self-Study!

“I don’t know how, but miracles happen in my life - Every. Day."

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Empathy, Love, Support... You're not alone! Newsletter 062316

Empathy, Love, Support...
I just read an email that a dear friend of mine sent to her list.  She was letting her community know why they hadn't heard from her for awhile.

First she explained how she's an empath and how the energy of tragedies experienced by people close to her and on a large public scale affect her.

The list of the last few weeks included but was not limited to:
* family tragedy
* homes and businesses lost to a raging wildfire near her
* the 7 year old daughter of a friend passing from a terrible accident
* the Orlando shootings
* watching a friend's home burn to the ground and the friend requiring emergency surgery
* a beloved pet passed away

Then there's the breaking point.

Being an empath myself, I was sobbing by the time I got to the pet passing away (pain that is near and dear to my heart).

Are you an empath?  Does it seem like you're hanging on by an eyelash because sh*t (excuse please) just keeps happening?

Empath's don't just hear of or see painful events, we feel them in every cell of our BE-ing.  And even though a tragic event doesn't happen to us directly, we feel the pain.  And if a tragic event does happen to us...

Well... we may be a spiritual healer and teacher - and I know many of you are who read this newsletter, but you're also human and the pain is not only overwhelming, it can be paralyzing.

When Majik passed in December I hit a brick wall.  I'm So Human!  The past few years have been full of fun experiences with writing and presenting classes, books, programs and meditations.  But it's also held Daddy passing, my beloved grandmother passing, then my boy from another mother, Majik.

As a result, I did exactly what I teach not to do:  I allowed my energy to deplete.
This is where I've been for the past few months.  Healing. Shifting my energy.  Revealing pain I've been subconsciously holding on to.  Facing.  Disconnecting.  Healing.  Shifting my energy to rinse and repeat.

I'm not back yet, but I'm getting there.  Just writing about this is a form of healing...

I'm So Human.

What about you?  Is empathy wreaking havoc with your management skills?

Ask God to make your life easier.

He will.

And know that you're not alone.  Everyone reading this is dealing with the energy of tragedy at some level.  KNOW that you're not alone.  We may not have spoken and we may not have shared the same experience, but I understand pain of tragedy.

I send you love.

I send you light.

I send to you angels of heaven and earth to support you and help you process through whatever pain you're experiencing.

I support you to process through life's overwhelm, and breathe into the joy of your heart that you so richly deserve.

All these tragedies that are touching our lives are bringing in the most beautiful, unconditional love as we support each other.

We'll get through this!

All the love of my heart,
Rachel & Kate's Spiritual Speak - were you there?
You may "FOLLOW" the all new Rachel & Kate's Spiritual Speak BlogTalk Radio show here:
Our fun, informative show is presented on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 11am ET, 4pm UK.  We welcome you to call in and ask your spiritual questions: (646) 668-8232

If you missed the first two shows, they're available in the archive.
Update on Majyk AngelFeather

Majyk AngelFeather had his Big Boy surgery on Tuesday and is doing GREAT!
His chasis is so low to the ground that he bumps the head cone on the floor excessively, so he's wearing a Puppy Bumper and onesy to protect the surgery site.  

Thank you for your prayers and loving support!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Angelic GPS June 20 - 26, 2016

This week's energy continues to support reclaiming your Power through the Light within you.

You hold within you:  inner strength, willpower, courage, compassion, generosity and Love.

You are Love and Light.

With 'set' and 'focused' intention you have the power to create harmony, peace, joy and love as your life experience.

Know that seeming adversity is a Golden Opportunity to receive insight into your weaknesses so you can become stronger.  Insight to what you've been holding on to with both hands that no longer serves you and must be let go.  Insight to understand and forgo delays in manifesting your happiest life.

Know that no matter what is going on in your life or around you, prosperity and bliss are promised.

Breathe into your light to bring forth new birth.  Breathe into your light to illuminate the pathway of your highest good - and follow it!

BE the light of love within you to manage everything life brings to you with grace and ease.

BE the light of love within you to draw to you miraculous experiences of love, light, joy and happiness!

Use the Full Moon Energy to reveal your pathway to miracles!

In love and light,
ps - need tools to support you to live your biggest, most magnificent life?  The GAME of LIFE Mastery Self-Study Program is available now - check it out!  The GAME of LIFE Mastery Program
Just need a tool to get you over the hump?  Check these out:
Angels & Full Moon Energy Reveal: Your Pathway to Miracles - Full Moon: June 20
Receive & Understand Messages from Your Angels
Communicating with Your Angels - Self Study Class
How to Create Your Heaven on Earth Program
Meet Your Worry Angel - full program
Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness
Healing Trilogy - 3 guided meditations: Love, Worthiness, Forgiveness

All of these tools are included in both the Self-Study and LIVE versions of The GAME of LIFE Mastery Programs.  No time to participate in a live class? Not to worry - you'll LOVE the Self-Study!
“I don’t know how, but miracles happen in my life - Every. Day."

Soul Kiss June 19, 2016

This is how life works:

1.  We're not happy with an area of our lives, so we choose to experience something different and begin to take actions steps to create the new experience.

1.a.  The heaviness begins to lift and we can see improvement beginning to manifest.

2.  THEN... the energy that has prevented us from experiencing more happiness up to this time reveals itself in the form of "Adversity" of some kind.


2.b.  This is when most people throw up their hands and give up with, "This is tooooooo hard!"

The reality is...  adversity is a Golden Opportunity to create the higher outcome you wish to experience.

The secret:
1.  Adversity is your Golden Pathway to happiness.
2.  With this knowledge, adversity cannot defeat you.
3.  Adversity SHOWS you what you need to face, disconnect from and heal to BE happier!
4.  Adversity becomes your ally to change your way of thinking, improve your life and experience true happiness!
5.  All you need are tools to show you how.

Need tools?
Only need one or two tools? 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Soul Kiss June 18, 2016

Our angels are with us in every moment of our lives, since before birth. So they feel like a part of us.

When we set our intention to 'listen' and 'hear' their guidance, we are miraculously guided to experience our highest good.

All we have to do is 'trust' the 'knowing' within us.

Soul Kiss June 17, 2016

The physical world is noisy and chaotic.  We're continually being pulled and pushed by energy that's ours and energy that isn't ours.

Yet, within us there is a stillness.  A stillness of peace, joy and happiness, that reflects the love essence that we are. 

No matter what else is going on in our live and in our world, that quiet, powerful stillness is always there - available to access.

BE-ing and living in this quiet, peaceful, stillness where anything is possible opens the way for brilliant opportunities of miraculous manifestation. 

BE-ing and living in this quiet, peaceful, stillness is where we become Miracle Magnets!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Soul Kiss June 16, 2016

For most of us, worry and fear have been a part of our lives for so long, that they feel like a part of us - a part of who we are - like a body part.

Well... they're not. 

When we don't like an experience, it's a signal that we're out of our power.  That uncomfortable energy we feel in our body tells us it's time to invoke our power and improve our experiences.

The key to improving them is to infuse them with LOVE. 

When an unhappy experience is transformed from worry and fear to LOVE, the result is the highest possible outcome - a reclamation of "happy".

What would your life look like if you removed worry and fear from your experience?

"I recognize worry and fear within me as the illusion they are and release them.  I fill the void with LOVE."

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Soul Kiss June 15, 2016

The physical world teaches us that we have no control over our lives - that we're victims of circumstances, location, the economy, race, religion, sex and education.

This is not true.

As spiritual beings of light we are very powerful. 

No matter what your life looks like in this moment, you have the power to create a higher outcome.

...and you're not alone...  You have a full team of Angelic BE-ings of love and light supporting you to BE happier!

Ask them to help you.

They will.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Soul Kiss June 13, 2016

We're taught to 'expect the worst', to worry, to fret and live in fear.

Yet, no matter what our life looks like, we still have the ability to choose the level of love or fear we vibrate in on a daily basis.

When we claim through the powerful energy of our words:  "Unexpected Good appears in my life daily!"...

It. Does.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Angelic GPS June 13 - 19, 2016

This week's energy supports the Powerful LOVE Force within you to solidify the foundation of your Best, most Magnificent Life.

You've been processing through and healing the uncomfortable energies of the past that have been revealed these past few months. 
With that healing comes great reward!

New beginnings, ideas, revelations and exciting adventures await you!

Creative endeavors, enthusiasm, positive energy and a renewed spiritual strength are at an all time high.  The powerful force of spirit is flowing through you, and with it a new sense of purpose.

Breathe deeply and with set intention, reach inside and access the Powerful Love Force within you.  
KNOW that from this state of access, you are limitlessly powerful!  
No matter what your life looks like in this moment, you have a blank canvas to create something new and better, what do you wish to experience?

With CLEAR, Set Intention of your highest good, mold the raw creation energy into form of what you wish to experience - without doubt or hesitation.

This is your time to soar and fly into joy and happiness.

May the Love Force be with you!

In love and light,
ps - need tools to support you to live your biggest, most magnificent life?  The GAME of LIFE Mastery Self-Study Program is available now - check it out!  The GAME of LIFE Mastery Program

Just need a tool to get you over the hump?  Check these out:
Angels & Full Moon Energy Reveal: Your Pathway to Miracles - Full Moon: June 20
Receive & Understand Messages from Your Angels
Communicating with Your Angels - Self Study Class
How to Create Your Heaven on Earth Program
Meet Your Worry Angel - full program
Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness
Healing Trilogy - 3 guided meditations: Love, Worthiness, Forgiveness

All of these tools are included in both the Self-Study and LIVE versions of The GAME of LIFE Mastery Programs.  No time to participate in a live class? Not to worry - you'll LOVE the Self-Study!

“I don’t know how, but miracles happen in my life - Every. Day."

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Soul Kiss June 9, 2016

What would life be like if you attracted your unlimited good easily and effortlessly?

Would it be awesome beyond measure?

Your life CAN be awesome beyond measure!

You Deserve Happiness, Joy and Prosperity in great abundance.  FEEL the energy behind, "I attract my unlimited good easily and effortlessly!"  Breathe into that energy and BE your unlimited good!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Soul Kiss June 8, 2016

Our mission is to transcend the fear of our physical world to live our birthright of Joy, Happiness and Prosperity.

Do you consciously welcome Joy, Happiness and Prosperity into your life?

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Soul Kiss June 7, 2016

My dad, Big Jim, a resident of the angelic realm, tells me repeatedly that we have no idea how powerful we are.

Stop what you're doing and take an honest look at your life. 

What energy are you experiencing right now, in this moment?

Are you feeling powerful and limitless?
Or do you feel limited and stuck?

You have the POWER to DECIDE what you wish to experience.  If you're experiencing anything less than excited, love energy, then subconsciously you're living in a level of fear.

Take your power back from your subconscious limited thinking and create Your Happier Life!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Soul Kiss June 6, 2016

Your birthright is to live a Joy filled life. 

Your field of potentiality holds all that fills your heart with joy and happiness.

You Deserve to BE Happy!

I BELIEVE this of and for you.

Open your arms and heart to receive all that is yours by Divine right, under grace in a miraculous way!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Angelic GPS June 6 - 12, 2016

This week's energy supports you to transcend the illusion of physical world adversity.

Our world is one of duality that exploits the fear of adversity. 
Because we can be easily manipulated when we're afraid.  

It is a reality as old as time that there are people who wish to rein over others.  Today's time is no different.

When we're fed information that rallies fear in our hearts, we will do anything to alleviate that fear.

Be smart.  When fear attacks your well being, STOP what you're doing and:
~ re-center
~ re-balance
~ re-connect
with your heart-space.  --- you must reconnect, because if you WERE IN the energy of your heart-space, fear would not be clutching at your throat!

Re-connect with your heart-space and observer the adversity for what it is:

an opportunity to create a higher outcome!

Remember, when you "observe" energy, it reacts differently than when you don't.

Ask your angels to help you.

They will.

You got this!

In love and light,
ps - need tools to support you to live your biggest, most magnificent life?  The GAME of LIFE Mastery Self-Study Program is available now - check it out!  The GAME of LIFE Mastery Program

Just need a tool to get you over the hump?  Check these out:
Receive & Understand Messages from Your Angels
Communicating with Your Angels - Self Study Class
How to Create Your Heaven on Earth Program
Meet Your Worry Angel - full program
Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness
Healing Trilogy - 3 guided meditations: Love, Worthiness, Forgiveness

All of these tools are included in both the Self-Study and LIVE versions of The GAME of LIFE Mastery Programs.  No time to participate in a live class? Not to worry - you'll LOVE the Self-Study!
“I don’t know how, but miracles happen in my life - Every. Day."

Soul Kiss June 5, 2016

What were the first thoughts that popped in your head when you woke up this morning?

Whatever those thoughts were, their energy set the tone for your forthcoming day.

If you maintained that energy, the rest of your day reflected that energy as your experience.

When you read this affirmation:  "I don't know how, but my life gets better and I get happier every day!" what do you feel in your body? 


Or does a negative voice say, "Yeah... right..."?

May I suggest writing this affirmation out or one that does bring Joy to your heart and post it where you'll see it first thing in the morning and throughout your day.

...and READ IT.

...and Most Important, FEEL IT.

If you FEEL the powerful love energy behind these words, and you hold on to that energy throughout your day, your life WILL get Better and you WILL be Happier - guaranteed!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Soul Kiss June 4, 2016

Money is a form of energy, just like everything else.  Do you hold money in an energy of fear?  Or is money a beloved friend that you have fun with and love unconditionally?

Make this affirmation a game and be open to the FUN and surprising ways money will come to you:

"Money comes to me every day in a miraculous way!"

I'd love to hear of your experiences!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Soul Kiss June 2, 2016

We live in an abundant universe; an abundance of prosperity and an abundance of lack. 

It's just as easy for the universe to deliver to you a thousand dollars as it is to deliver a dime.

The universe holds no anxious energy around money or anything else.  Anxious, fear energy is a human trait.

Which are you drawing to you, prosperity or lack?

If you're knee deep in lack, shift your energy to gratitude and you will draw to you more to be grateful for. ;)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Soul Kiss June 1, 2016

Have you noticed you've put on a little weight?

We subconsciously put on excess pounds to protect ourselves.

If you've put on weight, look within and discern what you need protection from.

Perhaps subconsciously you need protection from a traumatic event, sadness, disappointment, or the pain of a loss.

Face this less than love energy from the safe space you're in now and FEEL the energy behind the affirmation:

"I release the need within me to hold on to excess weight."