Sunday, June 19, 2016

Soul Kiss June 19, 2016

This is how life works:

1.  We're not happy with an area of our lives, so we choose to experience something different and begin to take actions steps to create the new experience.

1.a.  The heaviness begins to lift and we can see improvement beginning to manifest.

2.  THEN... the energy that has prevented us from experiencing more happiness up to this time reveals itself in the form of "Adversity" of some kind.


2.b.  This is when most people throw up their hands and give up with, "This is tooooooo hard!"

The reality is...  adversity is a Golden Opportunity to create the higher outcome you wish to experience.

The secret:
1.  Adversity is your Golden Pathway to happiness.
2.  With this knowledge, adversity cannot defeat you.
3.  Adversity SHOWS you what you need to face, disconnect from and heal to BE happier!
4.  Adversity becomes your ally to change your way of thinking, improve your life and experience true happiness!
5.  All you need are tools to show you how.

Need tools?
Only need one or two tools? 

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