Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Angelic GPS October 19-25, 2015

Angelic GPS October 19-25, 2015

This week's energy supports us to BE in aligned partnership with the Divine guidance of our Angelic A-Team!
As a society we are taught that we're separate from God.  You only have to look into the eyes of a baby to know this isn't true.
Now more than ever we are powerfully supported to breathe into the "knowing" of our eternal connection As-One-with-God. 
This week's energy fully supports us to breathe into that still, quiet space of knowing - beyond trust and faith to firmly knowing with every cell of our BE-ing that we and the higher realms are one.
....AND.... to operate from there - that still, quiet space of knowing.
Sit with quietly with your angels and ask them to 'show you' this place - this state of BE-ing - and simply breathe into it!
From this state of BE-ing you will find peace, tranquility, serenity and love like you've never experienced before.
Open your heart and embrace the love of your Angelic A-Team and ask them for their help and guidance in all areas of your life.
They will help you!
I would LOVE to hear your story of following magical angelic guidance!  Click reply and share your story!
In love and light,

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