Monday, October 5, 2015

Angelic GPS: October 5-11, 2015

At the end of the week Mercury goes direct, and its delivering a punch before it does.  This week the energy of Mother Earth holds some mixed signals leading to mental conflict if you allow it!

This week have you felt as if you were speaking and hearing different languages when you've been in conversation with others?  Its that last punch of Mercury in Retrograde.

Acknowledge it for what it is and Stand-Your-Ground! 

Re-Check reservations, emails, voice messages to make sure people not only got them, but that they understood them.  Hold off on signing any contracts this week unless you're completing something you began months ago - and be SURE to Re-Read everything and make SURE you're in agreement before signing.

Mother Earth supports you to Stand-Your-Ground from a calm-assertive love foundation.  Breathe through the love that you are and access your heart-space before making any decisions.  Breathe into your heart-space and your highest good will be revealed.

You got this!

In love and light,

“I don’t know how, but miracles happen in my life - Every. Day."

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