Monday, October 12, 2015

Angelic GPS: October 12-18, 2015

We're still in the post shadow of the planet Mercury's retrograde.  This week its energy is still very powerful.  To flow in ease and grace, focus on BALANCE!

The 2015 human existence is laden with feeling like we're holding our breath, juggling responsibilities and commitments like: appointments, schedules and simply keeping up with laundry, grocery shopping, cooking and OMG - cleaning our space!

This week, accept the fact that you're the one who is choosing to juggle.  Simply choose to stop juggling. 

This week sit with your angels and ask them to show you the pathway of balance, joy, love and laughter. 

Re-Structure and simplify your rushed schedule to one that actually works for you.

Breathe into the balance by putting yourself first.  Manage what you can and delegate or reschedule the rest.

Life is a game of solitaire.  You're doing the breathing in your body - You have the Power to live the life that makes you happy. 

Breathe deeply instead of holding your breath and refuse to juggle.  If something isn't flowing in ease and grace, perhaps it's a sign that it isn't of your highest good.  Re-evaluate.  Re-structure.

Choose to breathe and to flow in ease and grace in all areas of your life - intend balance and focus your attention on it!  You WILL achieve it!

In love and light,

“I don’t know how, but miracles happen in my life - Every. Day."

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