Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Sands of Time...

The other night while I was brushing my teeth, I clearly heard:  "The sands of time are not running out... They are simply moving to another space."

It was in those moments of, what I like to call, "Distracted Concentration" that Archangel Metatron was able to make his voice heard through my human mind chatter.  I finished brushing my teeth and asked him to tell me more.

He then showed me an hour glass and how we sometimes feel overwhelmed that "time is running out."  We feel as though we're running out of time to make changes in our lives and our planet.  Then he showed me how this anxiousness of "running out of time" causes us to resist "change" while the reality is that "change" is what "saves" us. 

We cannot keep doing the same thing over and over and expect the outcome to be different.  By allowing, welcoming and embracing "change" is how we bring our heaven to earth. 
The sands of time are shifting to a new reality - a new energy - a new earth where the unconditional love of heaven resides.  

Do you feel that yearning within your heart that there is something more?  That the pain of this physical world is but a distraction to keep you from tapping into and embracing the unconditional love that is your essence?

We already walk among angels.  What if you simply trusted that concept and embraced the joy that longs to sing from your heart?  What would life be like?

Tools to make "Change" easier:
* Meditation
* Journaling
* Gratitude - The Power of Gratitude guided meditation as my gift here
* Healing Trilogy: Love, Worthiness, Forgiveness meditations
Power of Two Spiritual Coaching
* 5 Day Mini Vacation with Your Angels
* Communicating with Your Angels self study class
* Prosperity Tool Kit   (50% off sale ends tomorrow Friday, August 26) 

If you feel that your "sands of time" are running out - if you're overwhelmed, scattered and lost, STOP what you are doing, take a few deep, deep breaths in, and focus your attention on your heart.  Then focus on something you are grateful for and embrace that gratitude.  Return your focus again to your heart and allow yourself to "hear" your heart beat as a sound or feel it as a sensation.  Breathe deeply and set your intention for a higher outcome and claim it as yours!
May the desires of your heart flow to you easily and effortlessly!

In love and light,

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