Sunday, January 24, 2016

Angelic GPS January 25-31, 2016

This week's energy supports achieving Triumphant Success in your body ~~ before you see it in your reality!

We're in an exciting time of Seeing by Believing.
When was the last time you stood at your front door and hesitated... hesitated to open the door because you weren't sure there would be enough air outside to breath?
This year is all about The SHIFT - the shift to "Knowing" that what you wish to experience is yours - in process of happening - now!
Make all the energies of desperation, worries, anxiousness and doubt a thing of the past.  How?  By choosing to.
Choose to KNOW in every cell of your body that what you want is yours and enjoy the ride to get there.
When you're going to go somewhere, you don't just close your eyes, envision yourself there and open your eyes and you're there ~~~~> at least not yet....

You physically travel from one place to another --- this is your journey.

Manifesting what you want operates on the same premise.  With intense clarity, decide on what you want - FEEL the excitement of Being, Doing or Having what you want in every cell of your body and maintain that excitement as much as humanly possible, with no desperation, anxiety or worry, all the way to full manifestation.

THIS is the journey!  And the journey builds momentum to do manifest what you want again and again and again!
You got this!
In love and light,
ps - need support tools to shift to "Knowing"?  Ask your angels to guide you to the tools you need.  Here are some of mine:
The GAME of LIFE Mastery Program Self-Study is available now!
Receive and Understand Messages from Your Angels
Communicating with Your Angels
How to Create Your Heaven on Earth Program
Angels & Full Moon Energy Reveal: Your Pathway to Miracles - Full Moon: January 24
Peek into Your Future During Mercury Retrograde  Mercury Retrograde: January 5 - 25  Post-Shadow goes through February 14

All of these tools are included in The GAME of LIFE Mastery Programs - both the Self-Study and the LIVE versions!


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