Sunday, February 8, 2015

Angelic GPS February 9-15, 2015

February 9-15, 2015

The powerful energy of this week demands the understanding of Truth!

What is your truth?

We are in a time of infinite spiritual awakening - an awakening that holds all possibilities - an awakening that reveals your "Truth."

The full moon of February 3, has powerfully illuminated our individual "Truth" and with this revelation we may feel fulfilled, knowing from our core that we're on the "right path" yet for others we may feel uncertain and perhaps a little lost - for no apparent good reason! 

If you're feeling uncertain, unsure or perhaps a little lost, do not despair!  Now is the time to evaluate your past beliefs about who you are and what you really want. 

You've grown exponentially since last year and your expansion into spiritual clarity of Be-ing an integral part of the cosmic consciousness of love is changing your reality - this energetic growth spurt is not only changing how you see yourself, but who you see when you look into the mirror.

Do you look different?  Do you recognize yourself?  If the "You" who is looking back at you looks different, breathe deeply and ground into the "knowing" that all is not only well, but miracles are coming your way!  Open your arms wide to receive them!

Your "Truth" is your guide, but the beautiful light of our spirits are housed in human bodies and those bodies waiver when hit with waves of less than love energy.  We waiver when our reality begins to shift in beautiful ways because our humanness fears change.  So ask your angels to help you - to show you - what you need to look at to transform or release.  Fully stepping into and BE-ing in your power may be as simple as claiming the energy of your "Truth" and the uncertainty and feeling lost will magically fade away.

When you breathe into your "Truth" you will live INTO the life that brings you joy!

In love and light,
ps: Would this information help someone you love?  I invite you to share it today!

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