Sunday, February 1, 2015

Angelic GPS February 2-8, 2015

February 2-8, 2015

The powerful energy of this week opens up to new beginnings!

February begins with a powerful surge of limitless possibility! 

Now is a perfect time to get really clear on what you would like to be experiencing and set the wheels into motion to LIVE into your intention.  Our angelic guides remind us that we are limitless possibility - meaning we can be, do or have anything we wish.  The energy of this week fully supports New Beginnings.

If you've been wanting a new job or promotion - or to start your own business, a new home, new car, new relationship, this is the time to fully explore that energy and identify what it feels like for you.  We're in the middle of Mercury being in Retrograde - the perfect time to peek into your future and see the possibilities for you.

Decide on what you wish to experience and prepare to experience it! 

Your higher self (superconscious) knows you deserve more and that more is out there for you.  Its time for your conscious to decide just what that is.  However, don't be alarmed if after "deciding" you feel lost or even confused, this is a sign of change coming and your subconscious may be rebelling.

Take this time to breathe and explore the joy of change.  With this shift of awareness into the joy that something unknown can bring you, you set into motion the creation of a new reality - a new experience that has the potential to bring you great joy.

New beginnings can be scary if you choose to BE that energy.  Know that within you there is everything you need to explore and experience a new reality of joy and happiness that is different from the past.  Be WILLING to release the need to repeat old patterns that left you unhappy, and bruised and battered.  Instead, open your arms wide to experience something new, exciting, prosperous and filled with joy.  Be WILLING to breathe and live into your happiest, biggest, joy filled life!

I hold you in the light of Living a Life of Prosperity, now!

ps: I would love it if you would share the Angelic GPS information with your friends!

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