Monday, March 7, 2016

BRUTAL Energetic Crash - Meltdown Averted?

First, I want to assure you... the upheaval you've been experiencing within your own body and with your relationships are real - they're not your fault and you are NOT Losing - Your - Mind!

There are waves of energy that are sweeping our planet that hold:
~ Chaos
~ Confusion
~ Intense Anxiety
~ Outright FEAR

These waves began in earnest two weeks before the Full Moon on the 22nd of February - roughly around February 8th - and they're still in full force - sometimes building momentum.

For those of us who are "sensitive" to energy, when we're hit with one of these waves, the experience is BRUTAL!

When I got hit, I felt like I was stuck in a spiritual revolving door and I could NOT quite reach my tools. I felt totally LOST - and if I weren't human, I'd be embarrassed to say it took me a few days to get a grip on my own panic.  But I am human and there it is - human frailty. 

Not everyone is feeling this at the same intensity. However, be AWARE that if you're hit with this energy, and you're TIRED, your experience could be debilitating.
It's important that we all understand that this energy is not here to punish us, it's here to push us to ascend the love vibration within us.  This radical attack of fear energy is here to push us to OVERCOME our fears - and those fears may be within us and they may not even be ours - they're outside of us - swirling around trying to magnetize to like energy.  If you're "sensitive" to energy, tired or worried about something this energy will attach to you!

TOOLS to help you overcome this onslaught of fear filled energy:

1. Do NOT beat yourself up for feeling overwhelmed, weepy, exhausted, and/or like you're drowning in fear. When you can get a grip (remember I said this is BRUTAL) on the fear, step out of it and take a look at it as the observer and determine, is this yours?  ---- You'll find that it probably is NOT yours.

2. Listen to your body. It may demand that you get more REST - do it! You may learn that you need to get out of the house and breathe in the fresh air. Listen to your body and do whatever it tells you to help you feel better.

3. Let GO of deadlines - they will make you crazy. The world will not end if you push completing something out.

4. As best you can, give everything you're worried or anxious about to your Worry Angel.

Then call in your angels to help you send love and infuse love into every person and situation that's draining you - HOLD the intention of creating the highest possible outcome for everyone. When you SEND Love sincerely from your heart, you'll take your power back. You may need a nap after this.

5. Drink LOTS of water to help your body flush out the negativity you're soaking up like a sponge.

6. Stand against a wall and take some deep breaths - breathing in the love of God - hold on to a chair if you need to... with eyes closed envision exhaling out through your nose and the bottom of your feet, all that is less than love energy - allow the negativity to drain out... continue breathing in the light and love of God and exhaling out less than love energy till you're filled with love.
7. Physical exercise with your angelic team - again exhaling the negative, and breathing in the love.

If you're a member of The GAME of LIFE Mastery Program or the Secret Door to Success MASTERMIND, The Cleanse and Clear meditation and Love journeys in the How to Create Your Heaven on Earth in your Mastery Tools will support you beautifully.

You've probably noticed that your technology is struggling as well. Phones and computers locking up, getting booted out of your programs or social media, emails disappearing - this all has to do with the energy.  It's not you - everyone is experiencing this.

I'd LOVE to tell you this energy is going to dissipate soon, but...  we may be dealing with it throughout the year.  Knowing you have the power to overcome it will guide you and make it easier.

In this moment, no matter when you're reading this...  I call in the angels to support you - surrounding you with love and light to deflect negativity in all directions of time.  

Take this moment to BREATHE deeply of the light.  Hold to the love that is your essence - and reach out for support if you need help. We're in this together and together we're stronger!
In love and light,

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