Sunday, August 9, 2015

Magic Moments with Majik August 10, 2015

Magic Moments with Majik

I have been feeling really greeeeaaaat this past week!  We go back to the vet on Friday for another ultrasound and I anticipate getting a greeeeaaaat report!

Mom snapped this photo of me this morning while we waited for dad to catch up.  I was looking quite dashing in my yellow bandana!

I've been meeting a lot of new girls on my walks !

And... this morning down by the park we  discovered a beautiful gift of support from Grandpa Big Jim and the Beautiful Grandma Laura.  A purple morning glory with a heart leaf!  (Grandma's favorite color is purple.)

The Beautiful Grandma Laura has been with Big Jim in the angelic realm for three years now.  Mom was a little sad on the anniversary - July 29, but I helped to cheer her up.  That was the first day we saw the purple morning glories and heart leaves when we were out walking.  

When you open your heart and allow yourself to have the "eyes to see," you'll discover these magical gifts from your loved ones in spirit, too.

So when you're out walking and taking in the fresh breath of God, be open to what Mother Earth will show you.  Mom's been taking lots of pictures of me and other goodies I'll be sharing with you soon!

All my love,

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