Sunday, December 28, 2014

Angelic GPS December 29-January 4, 2015

December 29, 2014 - January 4, 2015

The powerful energy of this week revolves around creation through your intuition!

The year of 2014 is ending and the magnificent year of 2015 is beginning!  Breathe in the fresh, newness of it!

The angels show us that the seeds of creation intention you've been planting have taken root.  Behind the scenes the universe is working diligently to match to you the energy of what you desire. 

BE AWARE of your energy!  Are you getting nervous or anxious that you aren't experiencing everything you want?  STOP the less than love energy of worry - give it ALL to your Worry Angel!  (don't know your Worry Angel? Subscribe to the Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers newsletter and receive an audio introduction to your Worry Angel!)

As much as humanly possible, maintain the energy of what it would feel like to experience what you wish to BE, Do and Have! 

It is through your energy that you create your life experiences!  What is your energy magnetizing to you - love or above experiences?  Or less than love experiences?

The angels are with you to hold the space of loving patience.  Use this time to prepare for what it is you want to experience. 

Experiencing resistance to what you wish to create or transform?  Ask your angels to help you face the core of that resistance, disconnect from it and heal it!

Know that in every moment of your life, you have many, many angels, guides and teachers with you, supporting you, loving you - unconditionally!  Allow yourself to take in the "knowing" within you that this is true!

May your heart be open to the love essence that you are to receive the miraculous blessings of prosperity that are yours!

Sending you love and light,
ps: Living in a human body can be challenging... The Angelic GPS will help you flow with ease and grace as you experience your life path.  I invite you to share this information with your friends and family!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Angelic GPS December 22-28, 2014

December 22-28, 2014

This week begins with the powerful energy of the New Moon and holds magnificent energy of hope and limitless possibility!

The angels want you to know that what your human brain judges as impossible, is possible!  The angels want you to know the manifestation of what your heart longs for resides in your BE-lief!

The angels show us that the energies of the preceding three weeks come together powerfully this week.

1) Honor all aspects of you and BREATHE deeply of the breath of God
2) Trust and expand into the guidance of your Intuition
3) Claim your power as the Master Creator of Your Life

The angels ask that you sit with them and from their safe space of love, fearlessly ask them to show you your true beliefs about the life you have and the life you long for. 

From this safe space, allow yourself to see any less than love energy, disconnect from the wounds this energy has placed in or on your heart and heal it in all directions of time.

With the healing of this less than love energy, ask your angels to hold the space of love and fully step into your power through this love space.  Know it is safe to claim your power of limitless possibility! 

Ask for clarity and be open to receive it!  Know that what your heart longs for may look different than you imagined - demand what you want ------- or BETTER!

Use the Moon Cycle Blueprint for Prosperity (get your copy here) to guide you to anchor your intention for creation and transformation.

Sending you love and light,
ps: Angelic guidance plus support makes living in a human body so-much-easier!  Do you know someone who would benefit from this information?  I would love it if you would share the Angelic GPS with them!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Angelic GPS December 15-21, 2014

December 15-21, 2014

This weeks energy is of powerful manifestation!

The angels remind you that you are the Powerful Master Creator of your life - embrace the power with love and joy!  You've been getting clarity on what it is you truly wish to experience as the reality of your life and that clarity has signaled the Universe to deliver!

Your angels of the angelic realm and the angels of Mother Earth work in tandem, blending with the power of the Universe to support you to create your life experiences.  Open your heart to work with them!

Your angels ask that you nurture yourself as you shift into the magnetic energy of love creation.  As you shift into the joy of having already received what it is you wish to experience, your joy filled energy of receipt plants healthy seeds of prosperity. 

Nurture these seeds of sincerest true wishes and desires of your heart with excited celebration - and maintain that high vibrating energy of receipt as much as humanly possible by breathing into the joy of receiving what you want!

To gain even greater clarity, sit quietly, breathing deeply and ask your angels to join you.  Ask them to show you what is of your highest good to transform what has been weighing on your heart in less than love energy to the highest vibration of love possible.  This transformation of less than love energy to love or above energy will open the way for you to create your highest possible good as your physical world experience!

Each day is a time of new birth - of creation from limitless possibility!  Use the magnificent power within you wisely to create from love - nurture the loving seeds you've planted - nurture with loving intention... and more loving experiences and relationships manifest as your physical world experience!

In love and light,
ps:  I would love it if you would share the Angelic GPS with your friends and family!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Angelic GPS December 8-14, 2014

December 8-14, 2014

On the heels of the Full Moon, this week's energy expands your intuition! 

Intuition is the language of the spirit of our higher self through the vibration of the Angelic Realm.  Allow your heart and human-ness to be open to the nudges from within to have the "eyes to see" the "ears to hear" and to recognize the "knowing within" of the guidance to create your highest good in all areas of your life.

You'll discover signs and signals of what we humans call "coincidence" and our spirit knows as "Synchronistic Validation" that something bigger than ourselves is at work guiding us, helping us and protecting us.

By allowing your heart/intuition to speak and accepting the supervision and guidance delivered, then taking any action steps that may be revealed to you, life will be easier, magically transform and miracles of love and light will be experienced - in essence, life becomes a magical experience.

The reality of the human experience does include hiccups, but when you remain open to you intuition and follow it, opportunities to overcome and heal hiccups are revealed to you.

Your intuition signals you through your Truth Center.  Identify your Truth Center by evaluating how you feel when you think of something that you know is not true, such as:  Grass is purple.  You know that grass is not purple, and you feel this "knowing" in a place in your body - it feels uncomfortable.  Identify where that place is and how it feels to KNOW the statement is not true.

Now think of a true statement, such as: Grass is green.  You know grass is green, and you feel this "knowing" in the same place in your body, however it feels different - it feels "right" - warm, fuzzy and comfortable.

With the identification of your Truth Center it is easier to recognize your intuition when its telling you to "Pay attention!  Something isn't right here!"  or "This is the best decision for you!", even though your human mind may think otherwise!

Sending you love and light,
ps:  Do you know someone who would benefit from the Angelic GPS?  I invite you to share this with your friends and family!