Sunday, December 7, 2014

Angelic GPS December 8-14, 2014

December 8-14, 2014

On the heels of the Full Moon, this week's energy expands your intuition! 

Intuition is the language of the spirit of our higher self through the vibration of the Angelic Realm.  Allow your heart and human-ness to be open to the nudges from within to have the "eyes to see" the "ears to hear" and to recognize the "knowing within" of the guidance to create your highest good in all areas of your life.

You'll discover signs and signals of what we humans call "coincidence" and our spirit knows as "Synchronistic Validation" that something bigger than ourselves is at work guiding us, helping us and protecting us.

By allowing your heart/intuition to speak and accepting the supervision and guidance delivered, then taking any action steps that may be revealed to you, life will be easier, magically transform and miracles of love and light will be experienced - in essence, life becomes a magical experience.

The reality of the human experience does include hiccups, but when you remain open to you intuition and follow it, opportunities to overcome and heal hiccups are revealed to you.

Your intuition signals you through your Truth Center.  Identify your Truth Center by evaluating how you feel when you think of something that you know is not true, such as:  Grass is purple.  You know that grass is not purple, and you feel this "knowing" in a place in your body - it feels uncomfortable.  Identify where that place is and how it feels to KNOW the statement is not true.

Now think of a true statement, such as: Grass is green.  You know grass is green, and you feel this "knowing" in the same place in your body, however it feels different - it feels "right" - warm, fuzzy and comfortable.

With the identification of your Truth Center it is easier to recognize your intuition when its telling you to "Pay attention!  Something isn't right here!"  or "This is the best decision for you!", even though your human mind may think otherwise!

Sending you love and light,
ps:  Do you know someone who would benefit from the Angelic GPS?  I invite you to share this with your friends and family!

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