Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Are you willing to BE happy? Step One...

Are you willing to BE happy? 

Are you willing to allow yourself to expand into and experience your full potential in happiness and joy?  Are you thinking... yeah... I'd love to do that, but.... 

With love and respect... there are no "buts" - either you're willing to or you're not...  Wow... that sounded harsh - either you're willing or you're not... 

Lets look at that from the position of observer without any judgment:  Each one of us long for joy and happiness - experiencing joy and happiness on a consistent, daily basis.  Hmmm... what would that feel like?  To be filled with joy and happiness on a consistent daily basis? 

It would feel AWESOME, wouldn't it? it possible for you?  YES!  It is!

So... just what are the action steps you need to take to get there?

The first step is to be "willing" to be happy.  You may be thinking, "of course I'm willing!"  Are you???  When you say, out loud... "I'm willing to be happy!" what do you feel in your body?  Do you feel a warm fuzzy glow of joy or do you feel the discomfort of resistance?

If you feel warm fuzzy joy, embrace that to you and expand the joy energy throughout your body by breathing into it and claiming it as yours!

If you feel the discomfort of resistance, take a deep breath and look within at the resistance and ask your angels to show you where it stems from, then face it fearlessly!  Shine your light on the darkness of the resistance and claim your birthright of joy and happiness!

Your inner turmoil is an illusion of the physical world.  Your essence is of love and light.  Claim it! 

Summer Vacation with Your Angels
To support you in expanding into joy, I'm presenting the 5 Day Mini Vacation with Your Angels LIVE program again - and its F*R*EE!  The program begins Monday, June 9 and completes on Friday, June 13.  I know you're busy, so the daily programs are only 30 minutes in duration and packed with fun, joy, happiness and intense love from your angels! 

The last time I presented this program we had SO MUCH FUN!  This is what Carolyn had to say:

Oh Kate, {Day 5} that was so powerful. Thank you so much for this gift. I am in tears. I will miss our week together. I have so enjoyed this.
With love,
~ Carolyn

I hope you'll be able to join me for this LIVE event, but if the time doesn't work with your schedule, you may listen to the recordings through June 16.  Click here to learn more and reserve your seat!

You deserve to be happy.  Are you willing to allow yourself to be - consistently?  Claim it!  And repeat after me:

I - deserve - to - be - happy!!!!!

I hold you in the light of receiving all that brings your heart joy now and always!

In love and light,

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