Monday, February 24, 2014

Stuck in a Portalet? + ATT (Access Transformation Tool) for you!

For years I would look into the mirror and beat myself up over bad decisions, not having enough money, being in an unhappy relationship, not being in a relationship, how much I was under appreciated at my job, bad hair days... oh my goodness, the list would go on and on...

I was my own worst enemy!

Do you ever do this?

I wanted to live happily, but consciously I focused on what I didn't have and subconsciously I focused on my belief that I was helpless to create something better.

Have you ever done this?

I was STUCK in a 2 foot by 5 foot box going No-Where.  At least that's what it felt like - hmmm... no it really felt like I was stuck in a portalet!  I would try and try to get out of the portalet, but all I managed to do was tip it over landing on the DOOR!  For Goodness Sake!

I  wasn't really stuck in a portalet, but can you imagine feeling so stuck?  It gives new meaning to life being in the toilet....

I prayed and prayed for help ---- giving my worries to God, then 30 seconds later I would take it all back and play with it some more!

Then a miracle happened!  A beautiful new friend went to her bookcase and asked the angels what could she give me that would help me?

The Game of Life book by Florence Scovel Shinn fell to the floor ----------- and my life changed forever!  I not only crawled out of being stuck, I began attracting MIRACLES left and right!  Every time I turned around I ran face to face into a blessing!

Would you like to be a miracle magnet?  Isn't it time?

I'm SO EXCITED to invite YOU to join me on Tuesday, March 4 at 6pm MT (5pm PT, 7pm CT, 8pm ET) for the F*r*EE Introductory webinar:

You may get instant access to reserve your spot here!

This week you will receive an email every day with an "ATT" - Access Transformation Tool - that you can implement immediately to begin transforming your life to one of joy filled radiance. 

ATT (Access Transformation Tool): Gratitude Expansion
Close your eyes - take 3 really deep breaths - focus on one thing you are grateful for - take 3 more slow deep breaths.
Then place your left hand on your right shoulder, your right hand on your left shoulder and hug the gratitude into your heart.
Take another deep breath and expand the gratitude out into your room.

Now when you look in the mirror:  Mirror, Mirror, on the wall...  I'm filled with gratitude and awe!

Watch your email tomorrow for another ATT to implement immediately!

In love and light,

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