Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Stretching with Expansion, Pushing Back and Bursting Forward!

Have you ever been in your creative zone, moving forward, joyfully living your life, then... BAM your flow hits a solid wall - not a knee-wall you can step over, but a skyscraper?  Or the energy of others in your world pummel your energy and you're left standing there bruised and battered unsure of what just happened?

What you've just experienced is your expansion meeting the resistance of your inner fears that have been hidden within your subconscious-ness.  Fears from the past - perhaps from your archive of past experiences this lifetime or a previous lifetime. At first glance, the wall appears to be outside of you - other people or life circumstances interfering with your flow, but the resistance is really within you.

Not to worry!  You have power over energy within you!

The fact that you were flowing joyfully prior to the energies outside of you becoming a wall, reveals how powerful you've become. You're rewriting your neural pathways creating a new reality for yourself and some of those pathways are resisting.  That resistance manifesting in something outside of you is energy's way of pushing back to force you to decide if you really want to flow in joy or the struggle energy that has been your normal way of doing things in the past.

Even though hitting the wall is painful, whether it is a life situation or people throwing a hiccup in your flow, once you understand that the halt in your flow is only permanent if you choose for it to be, you can choose what you really want.  This is your opportunity to choose and solidify who you are becoming and the life you are creating with gusto!

With this conscious decision of choice, you will burst through the wall as if it were tissue paper!

When we expand our consciousness, our creativity and our joy, there is a natural contraction of sorts. The contraction can be huge.  The contraction can be minimal.  Knowing, understanding and accepting that expansion and contraction are a natural process, makes us powerful and the contractions lose their power.

This year is about taking our power back through the nuclear power of love.  My mission is to share with you through programs, complementary webinars, the Spiritual Whispers Radio Show and other opportunities, tips, techniques and tools to help you find the light within you and expand it brilliantly to create your most wonderful reality ever!

Be sure to click into the link below to access personal growth and business building gifts AND register for my complementary webinars to receive these wonderful tools to aid you on your life path.

In love and light,

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