Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Feeling alone... Without Love...

When I was in elementary school Valentine's day was a big deal that held joy, yet a reminder of tremendous sadness for me.  Even though the day was a celebration of love and light, it reminded me of a deep profound love that eluded me in my physical world reality.  My beloved grandmother would send my siblings and I Valentine cards through the mail, but I missed her terribly.  I would hold her card, close my eyes and revisit our time together and the love that she held for me.

Looking back I can see that when I put the card down, I reverted back to my normal feelings of existence: empty, lost and alone, shrouded in darkness without the warm fuzzy glowing light of love.  I was my own worst enemy, because I then beat myself up for being "weak."  I beat myself up for allowing myself to feel like I needed someone else to validate that I'm lovable.

In my child's thought processes, Grandma was the only one who filled that emptiness within me with love.  Now I understand that Grandma's unconditional love was my connection to home - that home being the angelic realm.  It took me many years to make that angelic connection by allowing myself to open my heart and love me for who I am, yet... I still wanted approval and validation at a deep subconscious level.

What about you?  Do you feel a sense of emptiness and alone-ness?

Now is a time of energetic ascension in all areas of our lives.  Today's energies of Mother Earth will not support that energetic need for approval and validation from others - whether the need be conscious or subconscious.  As a result of that lack of energetic support, life situations are occurring that force us to face that need within us as the energy that it is - the energy of beliefs that no longer serve us that must be let go in order to stand fully in our power as beings of love.

The collateral damage of this shift in energy from deep within is an energetic disconnection from people, such as friends, coworkers and many times... family members.  If we try to stay connected energetically to these people we stagnate our energy and stay in a lower vibration that blocks us from creating new and wonderful experiences as our reality.  Disconnecting energetically from people does not mean we don't love them anymore.  It simply means we are being true to our authentic self by disconnecting from energy we no longer align with.

When we choose to disconnect from energy that no longer serves us, and embrace energetic ascension to love source energy, we find a ourselves in a state of balance and gentle peace with joy coursing through our bodies.  Our heart expands with love and our light grows brighter and brighter.  We heal the soils of Mother Earth beneath our feet and the love that is our essence expands throughout our community and touches all we come into contact with.  And...  we discover manifestation of the life our heart desires a reality.

When we disconnect from energies that we are no longer in alignment, we stand in our power fully supported by All That Is, The Universe, by Mother Earth - all that is Love... and that power is sweet, gentle and without ego.  That power is magnificent!  We no longer feel empty, lost and alone, for we feel that connection with God as One...

Everyone has the same opportunity to shift their energy to a higher plane of existence in love - everyone.  Many are choosing to experience the shift and flow in ease and grace.  Others are choosing to fight the shift to love tooth and nail and find themselves battered and bruised by life experiences.

Had I but "remembered" that I am and always will be fully connected to the love of the angelic realm, I would have saved myself the misery of feeling disconnected, alone and empty.

What is your energy this Valentine week?  Are you experiencing the physical world illusion of feeling lost, empty and alone or are you embracing the joy of your One-ness with the love of All That Is?

You are a beautiful, gifted, powerful being of love and light, whose dreams and desires are important.  You are important!  You are valuable!  Accept this knowing in your heart!

I hold you in the light of love, fully surrounded and protected by gentle, soft angel wings.  May love fill your heart and spread throughout your being to your home and community.

In love and light,

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