Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Are you hiding out from life?

A main stream term for "hiding out from life" is procrastination.  Spiritually speaking its more than that - its hiding out from stepping into our power as the limitless being of love and light that we are.

When we're spiritually "hiding out from life"
* we watch mindless TV till we pass out from emotional and physical exhaustion
* we abuse our bodies with substances like sugar, alcohol and drugs
* we self sabotage our joy
* we stop the flow of prosperity in our lives when we arrest the expansion of our heart to love, because its something "different"
* we wallow in feelings of overwhelm, helplessness and powerlessness
* what we can do today with only minimal effort, we put off till tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
* we blame life situations and relationships for not accomplishing what we "want" to do
* we give our creative power away to emotions, people, life situations - anything that will take it...

And THEN...  all this hiding is normal.  Hiding becomes our normal way of living.  Doing something different becomes a foreign concept...

I know what this feels like - I've done it - over and over again...  But now... I understand it.

In essence we numb our thinking processes and wade through our lives in murky, sludge waters of pain, disappointment, guilt and shame - feeling helpless and powerless. And... we have an excuse ready as to why we haven't, well...  stood in our power as the master creators of our reality that we are.

The key here is water...  Water represents change.  No matter how dark or deep the water is, we are beings of light!  All we need to do to change our present condition/situation is to choose, breathe deeply and embrace the energy of HOPE that breathing deeply and choosing something different ignites and shift to that energy!

Many are experiencing challenges of hardship and challenges, from cash flow to relationships - to the death of loved ones and everything in between that is less than love.  As a human, each of these experiences are painful and must be grieved.

However... grieving need not last for ever.  In this moment of today there is light.  There is promise of HOPE and a higher experience of love.

In this moment there is the opportunity to acknowledge the energy of less than love and choose to embrace the higher energy of love and change your reality.

In this moment you can choose to step into the expansion of love in your heart and create a reality that mirrors the love you are within - the beautiful essence of all things of love and joy - or you can choose not to.

For years I've written and spoken about the energetic shift we and our planet are experiencing.  My heart tells me we've overcome the "hump" and have arrived in a new place - a new energy of reality.  We're experiencing the power of creation like never before.  It is easy to hide out from life - from the promise of active, conscious creation - yes, this energy of the past still lingers, but our power is stronger - stronger than it has ever been!  Now is the time to "choose" to let go of the disappointing, painful archives of past experiences and embrace all that is new - with the trust and wonder of a child.

Are you hiding out from life?

You have the strength and the power to Be, Do and Have all that your heart longs for.  It is safe for you to experience your brilliance and your magnificence!

In the moment of now, your energy creates your reality.

You are fully supported to easily stand in this power of love creation by All That Is...  - God, The Universe, Mother Earth - All That Is...

In love and light,

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