Dreaming is a part of the human experience of sleeping, however, many of us don't remember that we dreamed, much less what the dream was about. Then there are those of us who clearly remember our dreams, yet we are confused by what we dreamed.
Since December of last year I've been consistently remembering snippets and full dreams upon waking. As I consider the aspects and energy I experienced during the dream, I've understood clearly that I've been processing pain of the past in a HUGE way. As I ponder, reflect and review what I remember, I recognize the events and props in the dreams as the symbols that they are, which leads me to a deeper knowledge of what the dream means - both for me and to me.
It is as if I've been taking classes while sleeping to release All That No Longer Serves Me! For this sleeping process of release, I am grateful.
These "sleep classes," if you will, have helped me to identify why I draw to me life experiences in my waking hours that are less than pleasant. With each experience I'm faced with the choice, "Am I finished with the energy of this experience, or do I need to experience it again to really get what the energy is teaching me?" Believe me, I really don't want to experience situations that are less than pleasant again so it is in my best interest to be finished with the lesson/teaching! But did I get it? It only takes a few moments to STOP the "the rush of life action," look within and explore "Why did I draw this to me?" Then there is an "aha..." moment when I experience the energy of a dream symbol. I recognize it for what it is and simply let it go.
In these moments of realization - remembering the dream, experiencing the energy in waking life and connecting the two, I make the choice to step out of that shadow of restrictive internal belief and step into my power.
Sometimes we experience nightmares, but when examined with knowledge of the energy and symbolism of the nightmare, the fear that choked us upon waking dissolves and never returns. If you are experiencing nightmares, repetitive dreams or are curious to understanding more about dreams, please join Lynette and I tonight and click into her website to discern if her Dancing with Your Dreams Program resonates with you.
We have all the tools we need available to us to exist in a state of control creating the life we "dream" of. Take control of your life through your dreams!
In love and light,
Since December of last year I've been consistently remembering snippets and full dreams upon waking. As I consider the aspects and energy I experienced during the dream, I've understood clearly that I've been processing pain of the past in a HUGE way. As I ponder, reflect and review what I remember, I recognize the events and props in the dreams as the symbols that they are, which leads me to a deeper knowledge of what the dream means - both for me and to me.
It is as if I've been taking classes while sleeping to release All That No Longer Serves Me! For this sleeping process of release, I am grateful.
These "sleep classes," if you will, have helped me to identify why I draw to me life experiences in my waking hours that are less than pleasant. With each experience I'm faced with the choice, "Am I finished with the energy of this experience, or do I need to experience it again to really get what the energy is teaching me?" Believe me, I really don't want to experience situations that are less than pleasant again so it is in my best interest to be finished with the lesson/teaching! But did I get it? It only takes a few moments to STOP the "the rush of life action," look within and explore "Why did I draw this to me?" Then there is an "aha..." moment when I experience the energy of a dream symbol. I recognize it for what it is and simply let it go.
In these moments of realization - remembering the dream, experiencing the energy in waking life and connecting the two, I make the choice to step out of that shadow of restrictive internal belief and step into my power.
Sometimes we experience nightmares, but when examined with knowledge of the energy and symbolism of the nightmare, the fear that choked us upon waking dissolves and never returns. If you are experiencing nightmares, repetitive dreams or are curious to understanding more about dreams, please join Lynette and I tonight and click into her website to discern if her Dancing with Your Dreams Program resonates with you.
We have all the tools we need available to us to exist in a state of control creating the life we "dream" of. Take control of your life through your dreams!
In love and light,