Monday, October 29, 2012

The End of the Mayan Calendar, What Now?

We are in the final days of the Mayan calendar.  What does this mean?  With a 7.7 magnitude earthquake in British Columbia on Saturday and Hurricane Sandy sliding into the East coast of the US toady, not to mention other "natural disasters" and human challenges, it would be easy to allow fear to clutch our hearts.  What we must remember is that fear is an illusion of man and is only of the physical world.  

When I was a child I was afraid of death of the human body and embraced teachings of all things fearful.  It took years to get my mind around that living in fear is a choice.  Granted it is a choice made most often subconsciously, but it is still a choice.  

In these final days of the Mayan Calendar, we are faced with the social drama of uncertainty laced with fear.  BUT, this fear is a choice!  When we open our hearts to the essence of who we are - One with God, we find a deep sense of peace and profound love.  There is no space for fear in love, so the fear must dissipate and therein lies our power and our control.

In this time of uncertainty it is more important than ever that we take advantage of the thinness of the veil and tap into the universal wisdom that is our birthright to have and understand. Through the Soul Kisses website I provide tools for transformation, comfort and guidance that I use myself.  Due to the challenges so many face in this very moment, I'm offering pre holiday specials to help you shift the energy of these coming days from fear to love, balance and joy.

You have a huge team of angels, guides and teachers with you in all moments.  Remember, the number one complaint of angels is that we do NOT ask for their help enough!  Know that you won't be bothering them when you ask them for help!  They are ready and eager to help you in every moment of your existence.  You don't have to go through life winging it on your own!  Open your heart and tap into the wisdom and guidance that resides within you!

In love and light,

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