The past few weeks have been challenging as my human-ness has overridden my
spiritual being-ness at times and allowed fear to rule my heart - fear in the
form of feelings of helplessness where my dear grandmother is concerned.
When I visit with my grandmother's higher self she's happy and fine. When
I talk to her human self she confirms she's "fine," but... she grows more
Recently I was chatting with someone and shared with them the moments that are
less than joy (fear). She was surprised that fear is a part of my life. I'm human too, and I
experience my own path of mirrored pain, healing and growth. It is through
this pain of expansion into love vibration that I'm able to share with all of
you the tools and products to help you on your life path. The angels
have been patient as they've worked with me to create these
tools in material
format. It is my prayer that those of you who are guided to the Soul
Kisses website find it easier to reconnect
with the divinity within and open your hearts to the loving prosperous abundance
that is your birthright with these classes, meditations and programs.
Grandma's health failing is judged from a physical world viewpoint as adversity.
Because I love her, these moments cause me to feel the resistance of pain within
my heart. I'm reminded that seeming adversity is a
sign of golden opportunity for growth and transformation - and so it is.
The reality of this time of struggling with feelings of helplessness that are of
fear source energy is a gift. By arresting the feelings of resistance within my heart with my tools of
living in the moment,
asking for
help, grounding,
sending love to the situation and
forgiveness I experience the joy of the perfection in this life event.
Perfection is a perspective and perspective is everything.
My daughter, Jesse, revealed the perfection of light when she told me she's
happy for Grandma. The veil is gone for her and she already sees and feels
the love of those of the angelic realm. It is only a matter of time before
she is released from her heavy physical body to once again climb the highest
tree and take in the view from the sky (grandma was a tomboy - when she was 80
she still climbed up on the roof to check the flu) without pain, without fear,
vibrating fully in love and light. How
can one be sad with this truth?
This week with gentle angelic guidance we are completing the final touches to
Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness audio program. I'm very excited
about this program because
Forgiveness is key to shifting our reality from the dark shadows of fear
to the light of love. For many it is the final step in healing causing
blocks of fear from life times past to fall as a house of cards. For me
I'm forgiving the distance of physical miles between Grandma and I and the
limits of what I can do for her physically from Colorado.
We are spirits of the angelic realm, energies of love and light in human form.
Forgiveness releases the light and reveals the limitless beings that we truly
are. In times of adversity, as with the failing health of my grandmother
using the forgiveness tool along with other tools shifts me from fear into the higher energy that joyfully shares
love and light with her. Forgiveness releases the glue of guilt, doubt,
second guessing, helplessness, anxiety - all things of fear and showers us both
with love, light and joy in gratitude.
We are in the process of working out the details to temporarily move my daughter
and I and the Soul
Kisses office from Colorado to Arkansas to help care for
Grandma. When this move occurs the office will be down for one to two
weeks as we move and settle in. During this time, the daily soul kiss will still
go out and orders will be processed. The newsletter may or may not be
delayed. I won't be taking any Power of Two Coaching clients through the summer,
but you can add your name to a waiting list for the fall. I've blocked out most of the month of
May for appointments but added additional time to the schedule for
Angel Readings,
Orb Readings, and
One on One with Your Angels to accommodate anyone who would like time with
me before May 3. You may, however, schedule for June. The angels
bring such wonderful love and light to all, including me, that appointments will
be paused for the shortest time possible.
I'm very grateful to everyone who has emailed me and/or are keeping my family in
your prayers during this time of transition and transformation.
May your angels hold the space for you to easily experience the perfection of
love and light in all your life situations and relationships.
In love and light,
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