Monday, April 9, 2012

Archangel Metatron Dictation & Orb

The first time I met Archangel Metatron I was working at opening my heart to the divine connection with those of the angelic realm and I asked who was with me.  I heard "Metatron."  At the time I didn't know who Metatron was, so I executed an internet search and there he was - Archangel Metatron - I was so excited!

The next time I "knew" he was with me was when I sat down to write the Soul Kisses newsletter and I asked for angelic help.  The article practically wrote itself, then I re-read it.  There were several words that I don't typically use, so I looked around my office and asked, "Who's here?"  I heard "Metatron!"  I went to Doreen Virtue's book, Archangels & Ascended Masters to look him up and learned that originally Metatron was a scribe - no wonder he was helping me write!

We became partners in writing for not only the newsletter but many of the programs and classes listed on the Soul Kisses website. It is just that easy to meet and work with those of the angelic realm!

On May 4, 2008 I was taking pictures in my backyard when I saw a red orb in the screen of the camera.  Upon closer inspection on the larger screen of my computer I saw the figure of a man.  I asked who it was and again, I heard "Metatron!"  I searched the internet for a photo that would validate my image and found one with the first click!

Original Photo cropped:
  Red orb and image of Archangel Metatron 
(circled) cropped and enlarged:
Statue image I found on the internet
to validate the photo:

I sat in the stillness and set the intention to connect with Archangel Metatron and received this message from him:

Breathe deeply dear child to release the creative genius of the light of God from within.  Together we share the intricacies of the light for all to embrace As One with God.  The spark of God's love ignites the infinite possibility of all to shower Mother Earth with the healing golden light. Light sparkles inundate the heavens and the earth uniting as one.

This time of transformation holds the promises of yore.  Your people feel the stirrings of the reconnection with the loving essence that is your center.  With open hearts of love and light, embrace this time and allow all that is yours to be your receipt.  Together As One the humans and Mother Earth transcend time and space to be of the angelic.

So be it... And it is...

I am Metatron, Archangel of Light 

We are receiving so many wonderful gifts and tools from the angelic realm to bring us comfort and help make our human lives easier.  Open your heart to the signs and synchronicities of life events for validation of the knowing within your heart that you are indeed divinely guided, protected and loved!

In love and light,

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