Thursday, July 7, 2011

Crawling out of the "Black Hole"

My dad, Big Jim (Waiting in the Other Room), had a heart attack in 1990 and the doctors performed angioplasty surgery and sent him home with medication.  The side affect of that medication was depression.  Since we lived a thousand miles apart our time together was via phone.  One day I called him while I was driving to Denver and pulled into the driveway just as he began to share the pain of the depression.  

I remember clearly sitting in the driveway looking at the dashboard of my car while daddy talked about being so deep in the "black hole" of depression that he didn't think he was going to be able to crawl out this time and my heart broke.  I sat there and cried feeling so powerless to help him and as an empath, feeling the darkness of his pain.  Then he said it always made him feel better when I called.  I'll never forget that...

The "black hole" of despair is not a conscious choice. Living in a physical body we are constantly bombarded by energy and a lot of the energy we are hit with today is of the negative, low vibration of fear. To some extent we've all experienced the "black hole." 

Over the years, I've experienced periods of time that I've been ready to check out - go home to the angelic realm and be finished here.  To be honest, I've experienced that feeling since I've been actively walking my spiritual path and it was stronger after I wakened my spiritual beliefs!
To pull myself out of it I shifted my energy through gratitude. I remember sitting on the side of the bed one morning holding the Majik poodle and focusing on how much I love him - embracing that love in gratitude until I could feel it pulsating throughout my body.  Then throughout the next few days I would draw on that energy of gratitude till my heart would sing with joy from deep within...

...and life shifted.  I crawled out of the "black hole" through gratitude.

I'm human, just like each of you reading this.  I get knocked around by the negative energies that flood our planet, I cry, I bleed and I know what it feels like to be in the "black hole."  I also know that it is possible to get out of it. Once the heaviness of your heart is identified - because it sneaks up on you sometimes and you don't realize you aren't laughing or smiling anymore - you can make a choice to shift your life to something different.

I'm listing some tools here for you to use, but I want to preface those tools with this:  If you are on medication for depression, keep taking it.  If you suspect you have a chemical imbalance causing depression, SEE your Doctor!  Use these tools in conjunction with your doctor's guidance.

* I continue to share with you The Power of Gratitude guided meditation as my gift. You may download it here.
* sit in nature and write and/or chat with your angels - no matter how isolated and alone you feel - you are NOT alone and isolated - you have a crowd of angels with you in every moment of your existence who want nothing more than to help you - invite them in and allow yourself to receive their guidance and wisdom
* Communicating with Your Angels Self Study Workshop
* Angel Reading to illuminate the path of the limitless possibility of YOU
* Prosperity Tool Kit - 20 tools to help you shift your energy from the low vibration of fear to the higher vibration of love
* Shift to love, feel worthy and forgive - the Healing Trilogy
* Power of Two Spiritual Life Coaching - active support from me to help you reclaim your power and fulfill your dreams!

For me the "black hole" has been a golden opportunity for growth - to shift my energy to a higher vibration of ascension, opening the door to enlightenment of mind, body and spirit.  Once I found my "spiritual sight" I discovered a huge fear staring me down - like a showdown in a dusty western town.  Instead of crawling into a corner, my draw was faster and I blasted the fear to smithereens - returning the illusion of fear to its native nothingness.

I admit, at the time it never feels like a "golden opportunity" but I've come to know that it is and I have the power - as each of you do - to take a quantum leap out of the "black hole" of despair/depression and create something new, different and exciting as the reality of my life.

In love and light,

Our gift to you: Daily Soul Kiss - a spiritual whisper of support in your inbox!

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