Terrorism fans the flame of fear in our hearts. I remember
clearly watching the second plane hit the South Tower on September 11, 2001 and
feeling fear rise within me to choke my breathing - knowing it was a terrorist
The next day I stood in the parking lot of my apartment beneath
the shadow of planes flying over me that were protecting NORAD - and the city. (I lived near the
base of Cheyenne Mountain, home of NORAD, in Colorado Springs.)
I remember looking up and watching the planes circling and
realized I had a choice: to live with fear running like a program in the
background of my life - or not. I decided I refuse to live in fear.
In those moments I asked the angels to take my fear. I breathed into the
light of love and my prayers of love and healing for all who were touched became
more powerful.
This week we grieve for the
physical loss, and fear filled impact of the attacks in Paris, on the Russian
plane, the attack in Kenya in April.
We grieve for the atrocities and
violence that one human inflicts on another.
In the wake of so much pain and
horror, please join me to send and infuse these experiences (and all the others) with love and light. Together, lets take this
opportunity to come together as one to send love - the most powerful, magnetic
force in the universe, to all of humanity and the very soils of Mother Earth.
Our human instinct is to allow ourselves to be dragged into the
pit of fear, but now more than ever, we have the ability to choose a higher
outcome -- the higher vibration of love.
When you release the need to be afraid, and send all the love of
your heart to everyone involved and touched by tragedy, you open the way for a
higher outcome and those who died are honored. When the human body dies,
the eternal spirit moves into a realm of love and bliss. No-one is left
out. No-one passes before their time.
I believe that many commit to transitioning to the angelic realm
through tragedy to open the door for hope - for love - for the possibility of a
higher outcome for Mother Earth and those left living on her in human form as a
whole. There is purpose in life and in death of the human body - even in
tragic circumstances.
May you feel the palm of God beneath you, holding you safe,
supporting you with love.
In love and light,
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