Saturday, December 7, 2013

Blessings in the Cold...

Today it is very cold here in Colorado (below 0) - as it has been this past week.  Too cold for the Majik Poodle to go outside without his snowsuit and snowshoes. Thankfully Majik was relaxed as Freddy finished getting him ready to go outside.

 I'm not a fan of the cold, so I'm grateful Freddy took Majik out. When they came back in, Majik's fur brought in some snow, but most importantly, he brought in the freshness of outdoor air.

When I wrapped him in a towel to dry off, I breathed in deeply the crisp breath of God nestled in the curls on his head - and gratitude for the blessings and joy in my life burst from my heart.  I love it, this happens every time!  That fresh breath of outside air is magical!

Its easy to get caught up in the daily drama of living in this physical world. We have responsibilities that weigh on us and we worry about things -  consciously and subconsciously - and next thing you know, tomorrow is yesterday and we've allowed joy to escape us.

Are you worrying?  Are you experiencing joy?  Take a moment and embrace the things you are grateful for.  Embrace that gratitude from your heart and expand it out throughout your home.  Shift your energy from less than joyful, to joyful and claim this as The Best Day Ever!

In love and light,

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