Monday, November 18, 2013

This is the Best Day EVER!

One of my favorite Soul Kiss affirmations is This is the Best Day EVER!

I love the energy of it.  When I say the words powerfully - really powerfully, putting my energy behind it, a path for my day is created that is loving, balanced, productive and exceptional!  By the end of the day I may not have completed everything on my 'to do' list, but everything I did complete was completed well, with focus and joy.

But best of all...  When I'm in the energy of This is the Best Day EVER! I radiate out from me loving, balanced energy to everything - and everyone - around me.

And my day...  It is good...  Really good!

Soul Kisses Fan Page
Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers has a Facebook Fan Page.  Please like the new page!

Give it a try and share with me on the Facebook Fan Page the exciting day you experience!

I've been sharing the daily Soul Kiss on the fan page through images as you see here.  I look forward to seeing you on Facebook!

In love and light,

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