Thursday, September 26, 2013

Prosperity and Choice...

Since the rains began here in Colorado back in the second week of September, I've been feeling a heavy, dark weight of expectancy - it wasn't 'doom' but something similar.  It was unnerving and it was huge - bigger than me and not about me.  When I looked within to discern its origin, my heart whispered that it was time to release it, but I felt at a deep, soul level that if I did, I would betray humanity.

I asked to be shown the 'what and why' and I was gifted visions of torment, oppression, destruction and darkness and knew these visions are fear filled shadows of pain that lurk in our hearts from past experiences - AND they no longer serve us - FINALLY!

I was shown that as a collective consciousness, we have transcended this lower vibration of creation and it is time to let the darkness and pain of past patterns and experiences go to create something new, something filled with joy and excitement.

The human brain asks, "how?" - this is how!

We allow ourselves to 'know without question or doubt' that it is safe to use our free will and choose to create from our limitless supply of raw Life Force Creation Energy life situations, relationships and things that bring us joy.  It is SAFE!  It is time to get clear on what we wish to be, do and have and step into the energy of what we want and the universe will rush to match to us that which brings us joy at our highest vibration.

Raise your vibration = create something better.

Some will be fooled by economic fluctuations, political uncertainty and threats of terror or disaster and hold on to the fear that these circumstances hold.  The true Master Creator will know and trust with every cell of their being that they can choose prosperity, love, joy and happiness...  or fear, uncertainty, doubt, worry and doom.

Many of you have written to me or talked with me directly about this, questioning, "why do I feel this heavy weight of expectancy?" Know the thrust of this energy isn't about you specifically, it is about "us" collectively.  Even though you are one person - I am one person, we have power - and the higher vibration of love is exponentially more powerful than the low vibration of fear.

Within a few days September will burst into October.  This ninth month of 2013 has been a time of completion for humanity at a very deep level whether we know it consciously or not.  It is not too late (never too late) to sow seeds of prosperity.

In love and light,

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