Thursday, September 19, 2013

Birthday wishes from Spirit...

Thank you for your birthday wishes.  It turned into quite the magical day with loving birthday wishes not only from my fellow humans, but also from spirit!

When I got up I picked up my cell phone to find out what the weather was going to be like and I clicked the wrong app.  The one I clicked on included images of cameras throughout the front range.  So I thought I'd "see" what was going on in other areas.  At the bottom of each image were advertisements.  I was looking at the image, not paying much attention to the advertisement, when a spider ran across the screen - I dropped the phone!  Due to all the rain, spiders have been coming into my home and the one on the screen really looked real!  When I picked it up, the spider was still running from left to right across the screen.  I could hear my dad laughing and I started laughing, too!

Happy Birthday, to me!

About an hour later the mailman delivered a priority mailer from my brother and sister-in-law.  Inside was a card, pictures of my new niece and a jeweler's envelope.  Within the small envelope wrapped in tissue paper was Grandma's mother's ring.  I had forgotten she had one - it wasn't with her things when Jesse and I took care of her last year.  My sister-in-law, Brenda, had found it, had it fixed and sent it to me for my birthday with a hand written note of love! 

I could feel Grandma's loving presence as I sat there on the bed crying while my heart expanded with all the love from Spirit that surrounded me.  What a beautiful day of love and light!

Happy Birthday, to me, indeed!

The laughter and spider from my dad, Big Jim, were bitter sweet.  I always called him on his birthday, but I missed his last birthday in the physical world in 2005.  I was busy doing whatever I was doing and completely missed the date.  I called him a few days later, but it just wasn't the same.  No wonder, he sent a spider to get my attention!  ;)

Grandma always made my birthday special - made me feel special - always.  Grandma promised me she would come to me from spirit and talk with me like Daddy does - when she wasn't busy.  Last year she was busy at birthday time, but this year she blew me away with her connection.  Thank you, Brenda, for following Grandma's guidance to find the ring and send it to me!

When we allow ourselves to have the "eyes to see," "ears to hear" and "knowing within" that our loved ones are still with us, albeit in spirit form, we receive the greatest gift of all - love - the love that is eternal.

If you had a day or time of year that was very special between you and a loved one whose physical body has died, allow yourself to celebrate that time.  It isn't a betrayal to them to experience joy.  When we allow ourselves to experience joy, our energy more closely matches the energy of the angelic realm and we can feel them near - know that what you feel is real.

The love we hold between us is eternal.  Nothing can change that - not time, not space - not death.

Allow the love between you and your deceased loved ones to be real - so be it and it is...

In love and light,

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