Thursday, August 1, 2013

Is there a relationship that no longer serves you?

The Chinese Zodiac tells us this is the Year of the Snake.  This year of  2013 is "a year for reflection and strategy." "It's a strong year for inner development, emotional renewal, metamorphosis, elimination and recycling." (

As humans we tend to hold on to things - forever...  I finally got rid of jeans I had in high school, but I still have two Corning Ware dishes - with the lids - that I received in 1978 (no chips, and yes, I use them) OMG!

We hold on to relationships with things, people, thought patterns, beliefs and money with both hands even though they've served their purpose and our lives would be better if we blessed them on their way and stepped forward without them.  Yes, this includes money - blessing money on its way, sincerely from our heart - without any fear - opens the way for prosperous financial flow to come to us!

The question is, how do we know when something has served its purpose?  My jeans and dishes are a perfect example.  I didn't wear the jeans any more, so they were taking up space that something I would wear could fill.  I use the dishes, so they are beneficial for me to keep.

Relationships with people are a little trickier.  For example... we're hardwired to believe that it is our job to make everyone else happy - as a result putting our needs and desires last.  When we do this, we're forever trying to accomplish something that isn't even our job.  The happiness of others is their responsibility.  The only person we are responsible for is US.  If you're unsure, ask yourself this question, "Who am I doing the breathing for?"

When we try to "make others happy" (a form of control) we interfere with not only their free will, but with their job of creating their own happiness from within.  It is OUR job to put our needs and desires first, then everyone else will adapt.  From a human standpoint that sounds really selfish doesn't it?

Lets look at the bigger picture:  First we attempt to read someone else's mind to determine what makes them happy, then we push our own desires out of the way (which can and often does lead to resentment) and most of the time our efforts fall flat and sure enough, resentment steps in.

When we put ourselves first, we get clear on what it is we want, which leads to communicating our desires to others, then they have the opportunity to weigh in on the result of a situation.  We may not agree, but it opens the door to negotiation with honor and respect, setting us up to produce the highest possible outcome for everyone.

This is how we stand in our power, with honor and respect for not only others, but most importantly... ourselves.  When we do this, creating the outcome that makes our heart sing is more possible.  When our heart is singing with joy, that loving energy touches everyone around us, including Mother Earth.

Relationships with thought patterns and beliefs are the most elusive.  What do you believe about yourself that no longer serves you?

Do you believe you're good enough to be happy?  Are you worthy to receive wonderful things as the reality of your life?  Are you deserving to be loved beyond measure?  ...the answer to these three questions is, YES!

If you felt any resistance in your body to a "yes" answer, take this moment right now to stop what you're doing and close your eyes and take some deep breaths.  Ask your angels to join you and allow yourself to feel them come near.  Take their hands and form a circle.  Instruct an aspect of you to enter the center of the circle - this aspect may be you as an adult or your inner child.  Now send love to yourself - the angels will do the same.  Send all the love of your heart to the essence of God within this aspect of you - no judgment, no beating yourself up over the past, no guilt, just love - all the love of your heart.

Know you are fully supported by your angelic entourage, the love of All That Is and Mother Earth to release all that no longer serves you and experience emotional, physical and spiritual renewal - your own private metamorphosis.  As you release all that no longer serves you with love, your energy will transcend to the light energy of Christ Consciousness.  You will then have the creation energy to manifest as your reality your version of Heaven on Earth - loving relationships, financial flow, optimal health and work that you love!

I hope you'll join us tonight!

In love and light,

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