Monday, August 27, 2012

What do I want my life to look like?

I've returned to Colorado with a different perception of my life.  I didn't realize how deeply painful my time in Arkansas was until we returned. The numbness of the past three months is wearing off and I'm healing.  I've faced and disconnected from pain of the past that crippled me for years and I'm faced with a question, "What do I want my life to look like now?"

Its time to take back the reigns from my angels who have comforted me as I've grieved and answer the question.

I learned a long time ago that the definition of "working for God" changes and evolves.  I'm definitely evolving and expanding, shifting and transforming to an existence with more balance, peace, joy and love, but what do I want my life to look like?  There are aspects I see clearly, but others that are elusive.


I feel the energy of what I want all areas of my life to be.  That energy transcends gratitude and is of giggly excitement and joy showered with love.  Together with my entourage of angels we are working hand in hand as a team to live in the bliss of joy as my reality - in the energy of what I want my life to be.

I know many of you are walking this path with me and it is time to answer this question for yourself, "What do I want my life to look like?"  If you're unsure, close your eyes, take a deep breath and step back out of the emotion of indecision and allow yourself to identify the energy of what you want your life to be.  If you have no point of reference - nothing to pull from, identify one thing you're grateful for and embrace that energy.  Allow it to expand till it encompasses your entire being till you are in a blissful state.  There is no anger, worry, helplessness or powerlessness in bliss - no chaos or confusion.  This energy of bliss is the energy you're looking for.  Once you find the energy, your angels will help you fill in the details.

Remember, you are a powerful creator.  Take the time to find the energy you truly wish to exist and create from, then powerfully create the life you truly wish to live.

May you work easily with your angels to step into bliss!

In love and light,

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