Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Time of Evaluation/Life Review...

As we walk our life path we experience first hand the dualities of energy.  We experience joy and profound sadness, love and hate, anger and harmony.  Through these experiences and the shifting energies of our planet our hearts are opening to the nudge to reconnect with the love within and cast aside physical world teachings of being limited, helpless, powerless and living in an abundance of lack as our normal.

Many years ago when I first began speaking of the energy fluctuations of our planet with my circle of friends and acquaintances, many looked at me with uncertainty of my stability.  Yet my Soul Kisses family resonated with the information and joined me to hold the safe space to share and learn with one another.  As the years have passed, this information about energy has begun to pop up in TV shows, news articles and stories in mainstream media nudging the un-awakened to open their hearts and investigate the power of the life force energy within.

The veil between the angelic realm and the physical world of Mother Earth thins...

...and our source vibration ascends.

At times the process of our energy ascending creates a conflict of energies.  In essence we have one foot in the angelic realm and one in the physical world.  This has led to feeling not only confused and overwhelmed, but at times we feel we are "finished and ready to go home."  Before falling asleep at night we may pray that the angels come to get us and we're disappointed when we wake up in the morning and our physical body continues to breathe.

Do not despair!  This is the darkness before the dawn - you are at the cusp of shifting your energy to allow in the light that illuminates your heaven on earth!

The angels are showing me in both my own personal life and in readings that this is a time of "Evaluation."  Others of the spiritual community are using the term "Life Review."  This is a golden opportunity to discern what you really want your life to look like and trust the guidance of the Voice of God within you to make the changes necessary to create the highest possible outcome.  I implore you, take the time you need to step out of the emotion of your life and LOOK At IT!  Assess the areas that are less than happy, and ask your angels to show you what you can do to shift your energy to love, joy and happiness.

They WILL!

If you need tools to help you shift your energy, ask your angels to join you and click on the link to discern if one of these tools would be of benefit to you:

Remember, nothing stays the same - energy is in constant flux - and you have the power within you to shift your energy to create a different outcome - to create the highest possible outcome - to create your heaven on earth!  You are fully supported by your angels, the Universe, by Mother Earth and by God...  You cannot fail!

What would you change in your life?  What would you stop creating? What would you create more of?

YOU are the one doing the breathing in your life - you are in charge!  Ask your angels to show you what to do to shift your energy and experience joy, love and laughter in your next breath!

In love and light,

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