Sunday, October 9, 2011

Mother Earth Reveals Hope...

I've been traveling through Colorado the past few days embracing the change of season. As we've driven through the mountains, the changing foliage glitters like diamonds proudly displaying brilliant colors of green, yellow, gold and red. I've never seen such magnificent color! Through the mesmerizing scene a gentle message is revealed before me...

 Surrounding this gorgeous color of the fall season are thousands of trees killed by beetles. The message the glowing aspens and dead and dying pine trees shared as I sat with them is one of perfection. They emphasize that there is perfection in all things - including beetle kill.

 Beneath the trees killed by beetles, the forest floor is alive with growth, with new plants and trees pushing up to greet the sun and wave in the breeze that is the breath of God. The trees ask that instead of allowing your heart to break at so many dead and dying; instead rejoice at their gift of life both before and after the beetles. The trees even made a joke about the "beetles" that kill trees and the "Beatles" who sing making such an impact on the earth and her inhabitants.

 Mother Earth is releasing all that no longer serves her. She shows us that the fear of disconnecting from what is familiar, yet has served its purpose and must now be released is only an illusion. She shows us that trust will reveal the perfection within.

 Mother Earth is stretching, breathing and expanding into a greater awareness. In this time of ascension, the spiritual being that is us is stretching, breathing and expanding into a greater awareness - introducing our human-ness to the infinite possibility that is us.

 Before me the lake is as glass reflecting the beauty of the vibrant forest that is her shore. As I breathe in the possibility of All That Is and embrace the hope of life beating within Mother Earth, I step gratefully into the ability to do my part in this time of transformation by sending her unconditional, healing love. I am the human conduit bringing my heaven to earth.

 Remember, everything is not always as it seems - as with the thousands of trees killed by beetles, Mother Earth is releasing that which no longer serves her to open the way for new prosperous growth. What are you holding on to with both hands that no longer serves you? What do you need to let go of in order to experience prosperous growth and expansion?

 In love and light,

 Click here to join me on Sunday's to pray for Mother Earth, sending love to her collectively as a whole, but also sending love to her soils that hold trauma of her expansion and man's turmoil. As we send unconditional love to the earth, that love heals us and the soils beneath our feet lifting the vibration of all to the higher vibration of love.

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