Thursday, March 20, 2008

Welcome to Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers!

Blessings to you and thank you for joining us today.

We believe in God, Spirit, The Creator...

We believe in angels...

We believe love lives and that our loved ones whose bodies have expired, are as close as a thought...

We believe and acknowledge that God, His angels and our deceased loved ones exist and that we can communicate with them. We ask, accept and allow their guidance to help us fulfill our divine life path.

If you've never clicked into the Soul Kisses website, please do so: The website has been designed as a healing tool for all who visit. You will find tools to help deal with the challenges and experiences of the physical world as well as support for your spiritual journey. Many of the tools are available at no cost.

I've been guided to write this blog not only as an extension of the gifts of the website, but to provide greater, stronger, even more loving support to those who have lost the physical-ness of loved ones and wish to find a connection and to know and feel from deep within that those loved ones are ok and are still within the arc of our love.

Message from the Angels:
Dear Ones, you have been Divinely guided here to read these words. You know within that they are important to you - even though you may not know why. It is from within you will find your answers - the answers to all that you wish to know. It is from within you will discover and embrace the peace, joy and abundance that The Creator has for each one of you. Blessed Children of God, Free Fluid Spiritual Beings, we are with you - with you in every moment of your physical existence - embrace this knowing from within - we are with you.

We are...

Your crowd of Angelic Entourage

Again, I offer blessings, comfort, healing and love to you who have joined us. Please place this page in your favorites so you may visit us often - I will be writing two to three times each week. The Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers website is in a constant state of growth and expansion. This year of Abundance - 2008 - will see many articles, photos, classes and love added to the website.

Pay forward a blessing you have received this day.

May you be profoundly blessed in this moment and in every moment after...

In love and light,Kate

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