Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Physical World is Sleeping...

It is dark outside and my physical world is sleeping.

My family, Fred and Majik, are sound asleep, but there is much activity going on here. Angels are coming and going, loved ones are popping in - it is almost Grand Central Station. What a wonderful world.

A new shift, a gift of enlightenment, is bursting forth from the soil of my subconscious to my conscious state. I am in awe...

Last week I received an Activation that was amazing. It is called "Unified Grid - Integration/Activation." I received it from April Colón-Pagán of http://www.heart-soulsolutions.com/. As April began the activation I closed my eyes and just waited. In the beginning I felt a surge of energy come up through my chakras to my crown and out. Then I followed. I became bigger than myself without ego, if you can imagine that. I could see down below me the activity of Mother Earth then I was moving out into the Universe. I hesitated, but the coauthor of the activation joined me, took my hand and told me not to be afraid. I innocently said, "Okay." We moved out through the Universe, the galaxies, parallel universes, to beyond. Then I came back to Mother Earth. I held Mother Earth in my hand and blew pink love dust on her and felt great joy. I moved back into my body and the activation was complete.

In the days since, April's coauthor has come several times through different people and subject matter - validation!

As I integrate this connection of energies I'm humbled at the enormity of All That Is. The veil is thinning quickly for me - the evolution of ascension is nothing short of miraculous. Combining this total commitment to love and the physical world is challenging, but so worth it!

Each one of us is experiencing introductions to higher energies on a daily basis. Are we ready? Are we ready to function from a basis of love? There is no room for fear/negativity in a love base - it must be one or the other - love or fear. I thought I had resolved my issues with fear - but recently I learned I was incorrect when Jesus told me to give my fear to him and I removed a "Fear Coat of Armor." I'm still horrified to think I had so much fear still clinging to me, guiding me, supporting me, constantly infringing on my life - my life path! I was oblivious! The fear was so normal that I didn't even know it was there. Huge doors of enlightenment have opened for me since giving the armor to Jesus.

Breathe deeply and look keenly within your heart. Are you shrouded in fear - fear that is so normal you don't even know it is there? Are there issues that need to be resolved? Do you need a physical world tool to help you? Click into the Soul Kisses website to discover the tools listed there. If you don't find the tool you need, click into the Links page. Perhaps the information for you is on another website.

Ahh... Majik has come to get me. It is time for me to sleep.

Take this moment to focus on that which you are grateful. Breathe deeply and inhale your gratitude - embrace it. Allow the joy the gratitude generates in your heart to expand and glow from your pores as the love energy that it is. Fear cannot live in love. Return to this state of gratitude and love throughout your day as often as you can.

May you be blessed immensely.

In love and light,

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