Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Soul Kiss May 24, 2016

How do you feel when you read this affirmation:  "I love me"?

...warm and fuzzy, full of love and gratitude for who you are and your life?

Or do you feel disappointed, broken, undeserving and lost?  Are you disappointed in the life you've created and you blame yourself?

Remember... you made the best decisions you could at the time.

If you're unhappy with the life you're living, you have the power to create something new and different - something you will love.

Forgive yourself, others and situations.  Ask your angels to join you and send love to everything in your life that is less than love - including yourself.

Look within and see yourself as your angels do - love and light.

Embrace the essence of God within you and BE love.


Look in the mirror and tell yourself... genuinely... from your heart... with great sincerity, "I love me!"

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