Friday, May 23, 2014

What are you preparing for?

What does the possibility of your day hold? Excitement? Joy? Happiness? Frustration? Overwhelm? Dread? 

Subconsciously we are continuously preparing for, and creating our experiences through our energy.  We live in a busy, don't have enough time society. So most of the time our subconscious is completely unsupervised, operating from a rushed, anxious vibration - preparing for, and creating more to be rushed and anxious about.

I want to ask you to stop whatever it is you're doing, and right now take stock of your internal energy - the energetic vibration you've been functioning at today.  Are you anxious? Have you been rushed or felt overwhelmed?  Or has your day been pleasant and joy filled?  Are you happy to be home - or wishing you were?  Are you wishing for something that isn't a part of your reality - yet...  are you preparing for it to be?

We create the reality of our lives through our internal vibration of energy - joy creates more joy, anxiousness creates more to be anxious about.  Through our energy we're incessantly "Preparing" for the next moment.  What are you preparing for?

While I cooked my breakfast I was thinking about this and dancing around my kitchen listening to an Eagles CD.  I was having a pretty good time.  My happy dancing energy fired up the Majik poodle and he wanted me to pick him up so he could dance too, he has rhythm, what can I say?  My joy conveyed to him and an avenue to prepare for a joy filled outcome became very clear to me. 

Dancing around singing created a tangible excited energy of joy - joy that prepares for success.  Success can have many forms, but it always holds one thing - love or above energy!

When was the last time you sang like no one was listening and danced like no one was watching?  And if someone is watching... perhaps its a good thing - everyone wants to be a part of joy and laughter - even the Majik poodle!

Your energy is preparing for and creating your reality.  Are you preparing for joy filled success?

Take this moment to get really clear on the energy you wish to be experiencing.  Does it feel wonderful?  This is the energy you want to focus on to prepare to create the best, highest possible outcome as your reality.

Crank up the music and dance around the room!

In love and light,

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