Thursday, April 17, 2014

Are you using today's Energetic Gateway of Potential?

Scientists have proven that everything is energy - including our thoughts.  As the planets move in our solar system, they move energy. 

For years I've talked about the outside influence of energies that affect our planet and ultimately - us.  I've shared with you the information I've received from my guides and today I share with you more information from them - information that astrologers support as well.

Today we are experiencing a crescendo of energy that has been building for years.  We are at an energetic gateway or portal to realizing the true power and potential of our ability to create our reality - individually as humans and collectively as humanity.  The love of the Divinity within us is wakening on a global scale that is unprecedented - and through the light of that love, the darkness of man's illusion of fear is dissipating.

This gateway took on the beginning of massive expansion with the Total Lunar Eclipse on April 14.  Then on April 23/24 we will experience a crescendo of energy when Jupiter, Mars, Uranus and Pluto form a Grand Cardinal Cross.  The surge of energy this planetary formation creates will culminate with a Solar Eclipse on April 28.  However just as the energy leading up to this has touched our lives, the affects of it will be playing out for years.

At some level everyone has felt the surge of this energy.  Many of you have felt you are on the cusp of something magnificent - a breakthrough - something that transforms your life - and you are!

In this moment - and every moment after - claim the power that is yours by clearly defining what you want for yourself.  What is it that you want to be, do or have that you aren't already experiencing?  What would make your heart sing with joy?  And most important: what would the energy of that experience FEEL like?

Okay... I know you may be pulling in other people or situations, such as: "but my boss is a jerk" or "but I don't have the money to buy a new car" or "but the bank wants to foreclose on my house."

No, no, no...  this isn't about them or a life situation - this is about YOU!  What do YOU want?  Take the emotion of the influence of other people out of the equation and get really clear on what YOU want.  This extraordinary energy flowing throughout our planet and through you is fully supporting you to claim all that is in your Field of Potentiality to Be, Do and Have ---- Now!

Or... you may be feeling helpless.  The energy of helplessness is of fear energy - and fear is an illusion...

Know that adversity is a perception - a judgment of good or bad.  No matter what is going on in your life at this moment, you have the power to transform it to something different - something that makes your heart sing with joy.

How?  The first step is to get clear on what it is you want - really clear - define the energy of what it would FEEL like to be, do or have whatever is is you want and maintain that energy.  Prepare for receiving and listen to your internal guidance for action steps - and take them!

If fear comes up - don't STUFF it - FACE it!  The Love Divinity within you is wakening - and within that light of love is your power of creation!  Remember, the energy flowing throughout our planet, your angelic team and the Mother Earth fully supports you to transform your life to joy, love and light.

Fear is an illusion of man.  When you face it through your light, the darkness of fear dissipates to its native nothingness...

I'm not an astrologer, but I do trust my guides and the flow of energy that we're experiencing Right Now is structuring your future.  What do you want it to be?  Only you can decide and take the appropriate action steps to claim your power and create as your reality - all that makes your heart sing with joy!

I hope you will join me tonight for the Spiritual Whispers Radio show.  I'll be discussing the exciting possibility of transformation during this energetic gateway!

In love and light,

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