Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Onion Dynamic of Creation

I'm human just like you - as an onion.  As I grow and heal, "old" things I thought I had healed come forward.  Through experience I've learned that we can only release to the level that we can understand, hence the figure of speech, "we are as an onion."  As we grow and evolve, new layers of understanding are revealed to us.  Sometimes these new layers are exciting and joyful, other times when something we thought we had healed from the past is exposed at a deeper level, it is painful.

This past summer I was faced with many things that I thought I had healed years ago, and I did to the level I was capable of.  Now that I've raised my energy to a much higher state of love, the final shadows of life situations and relationships that were yet unforgiven surfaced.  I had several reactions to this, such as Oh my God - where the heck did that come from! frustration and anger.  Then when the initial shock of being faced with something I thought I had healed was over, I got to work.  I looked deeply within and with the help of my angels I faced it - I faced it all, disconnected from it and healed it.

With this healing, new energy of power was revealed.  This new energy is tricky to put into words...  Angels... need your help here...

Dearest Children,

This energy of which Kate speaks is the raw energy of creation.  This highly vibrating energy is within each of you.  Many of you do not feel it as yet because the shadow of fear hides it deep within you.

This time of existence on Mother Earth is revealing these shadows that stand between you and the powerful creative force that you are.  Know that we are with you in each moment of your breath to help you illuminate these shadows, and claim the power of love essence that you are.

The human way of your beings is to put power in people and weapons.  The power is in love.  Always has been and always will be.

We eagerly wait your request for help to make this time of the humans and Mother Earth's ascension easier!

The Angels of Love and Light...

This energy of power is very exciting and flows effortlessly from a state of balance and confidence.   In the last newsletter I talked about our "will being energy and how our will turns thoughts into reality."  (If you did not get the article, you may read it here (scroll down the page).)  Stepping into the "belief" of the ability to control the flow of life force energy changes everything.  The energy within becomes all but tangible!

What is standing between you and the life your heart longs to live?  Are you holding on to shadows of unforgiveness, perhaps the shadows have been with you so long, you don't even know they are there.

Set your intention and open your heart to work with your angels to face, disconnect from and heal that which has been hidden from you.  Work with them from their safe space to give fear a swift kick out of the way and claim your power as the master creator of your highest good that you can be!

In love and light,

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