Thursday, May 24, 2012

What is an Angel Reading?

 All my life I knew there was something more than I could see - something bigger than I was that surrounded me and guided me. My parents were members of a Southern Baptist church whose Sunday school, revivals and services taught we are separated from God by sin and that we are judged and punished for that sin. I had a really hard time getting my mind around that because the God I knew in my heart was of love and light.

My grandmother and I held that space of love and light together.  She lived in Joplin, Missouri and I lived in Arkansas a few miles outside of Memphis in farming country.  We were separated by miles of Mother Earth, but together we had this amazing bond of connection of the heart.  Now I know she was and always has been a human reminder of the unconditional love of the angelic realm.  It was through this loving connection that I KNEW there was more - something bigger than all of us and if I could open my heart and mind enough I would be able to tap into it - whatever "it" was.

For years I searched for answers to learn what "it" was and how to tap into it.  After my daughter was born in 1988 a series of events began to unfold that opened the door to my spiritual path.  First I met a lady who introduced me to Reiki and the work of Florence Scovel Shinn.  I was at the lowest point in my life that I've ever been - one of those places where the only way to go was up - even dying was up!  I stepped back into my power and more doors opened for me.  I found the teachings of Doreen Virtue, John Edward, James Van Praagh and Sylvia Browne.  I tried so hard to meditate and connect with deceased loved ones and my angels. Most of the time I fell asleep, but sometimes I would connect and the connections were amazing!

Then my angels guided me to the book Angelspeake, How to Talk with Your Angels and everything changed.  I began to write to my angels and receive messages from them.  I learned I didn't have to meditate to connect with those of the angelic realm!

I discovered that when I connected with my angels, my energy shifted to a higher level of love and my normal state of some kind of fear (anything less than love, e.g. worry, concern, anxiousness, feeling overwhelmed, etc.), because that is the space the angels hold for us - love.

By communicating with my angels I learned to trust the Voice of God within my heart - my intuition - to guide me when making decisions of my highest good and that life was easier.

Then one day while talking with a lady who was an Angel Therapy Practitioner, she suggested to me to offer angel readings to others.  Sharing messages from the angels specifically to individuals is a huge responsibility!  It took me weeks to decide.  I offered them for awhile, then I stopped.  Then the angels began to nudge me strongly to offer them again and I'm so glad I listened!!

When I connect with the angels to share information to others through an angel reading something magical happens!  The love that rushes forth conveys to the client whether it is an email reading or a phone reading.  The angels are of love and light and in every reading they show me the highest good of the person I am "reading" for.  They share tools and guidance to help the client open their heart to the Voice of God within them and shift from fear source energy to love source energy.  They share insight and guidance on how to pull from a higher plane of existence all the desires of your heart to create your heaven on earth.  The readings are amazing, magical and so full of love and light that there are no human words to describe the experiences.

I'm so very blessed to participate as a conduit the love of the angelic realm to you, the client.

So what is an Angel Reading?  It is an angel hand of support to step into the safety of the palm of God to open your heart to the essence of who you are - One with God.

Remember, everyone has the capability to communicate with their angels - EVERYONE!  Open your heart to the love that you are and allow your angels to guide you!

In love and light,

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