Friday, September 25, 2009

YOU must be a Priority - Learn to Say No - Even to Yourself!

Day 26 of 31 Days to Fulfillment!

One would think that learning to say "No" is easy. But the reality is that we don't want to disappoint anyone or even worse we think we are "super human" and can really do it all no matter what else is going on in our lives. I'm a DIYG - Do It Yourself Girl so I'm one of those people that think I can do it all. My husband would add - and I think that whatever it is I'm attempting to create or produce will always be right the first time. So I get disappointed when a simple project turns into modifications, redesigns and at times, complete re-dos - not to mention a learning curve.

The DIYG part of me who is in charge of my time has over extended me and I have worked myself into a depleted endocrine system. Imagine that?

In the Miracles teleclass with Jennifer Hoffman, we learned that one of the seven steps of Miracle Commitment is "You are willing to make yourself a priority in your life."

I thought I was doing a GREAT job of it. I love my life and what I do - I was meeting with my entourage for a few hours each day, working on my internet book launch for Waiting in the Other Room first, then working for clients, eating with my family and some times even cooking the food.

But the stress of fitting it all in, all but cracked me!

I put my desires first, but I really didn't make my physical body a priority. I've been sleeping, but practically every waking moment has been a rush. I've learned there are repercussions to doing this - intense fatigue on the outside - I shudder to think about the inside... Jesus told me today that the world will NOT collapse if I don't do anything on my to do list today. I rested and relaxed and He was right. The world - at least my part of it - has not collapsed.

What about you? Are you truly a priority in your life? Or are you frantically doing things for everyone else as well as yourself and not tending to the needs of your physical body first?

May you be the priority of your life now and always...

In love and light,

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