Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"Begin everything with a few deep breaths."

Day 9 of 31 Days to Fulfillment!

This morning I chose to be aggravated by the time I walked into my office to journal my heart out. I worked all three days of the Labor Day weekend (whine, whine, whine) and my family left me alone to do it. They were sweet and supportive and allowed me to do what I needed to do. I finished the Orb Photographs Validated e-book in time to offer it for sale and as a bonus gift during Eldon Taylor's book launch for Mind Programming that began today. (I will expand the e-book to a paperback format soon - hopefully before the next holiday!)

So why am I aggravated? Good question! Because I chose to be. My original plan was to complete the e-book and write the newsletter on Saturday, then on Sunday, respond to the business and personal emails that I've been holding in my inbox for weeks and Monday would be for family. But once again... the best laid plans of mice and men went awry....

I must ask myself... why am I aggravated now? The weekend is over...

Hmmm... why am I aggravated now... The answer was in my journaling... Because I'm in day 23 of 31 Days to Fulfillment, of course!

I vented a full page into the journal, then I flippantly asked my angels if they had anything to contribute. Jesus stepped in... and instead of asking me what my problem is, like I thought He was going to, He was laughing...

Then he said, "It's a process, you are human, you know. Begin everything with a few deep breaths - move yourself outside the aggravation to a higher place of existence by breathing deeply - then just keep breathing!"

There was a time I would have thought this response to be as flippant as my question to the angels. But today, I know His words hold great wisdom.

I breathed deeply - and I felt better. I breathed deeply again and truly felt the aggravation within me begin to literally melt away. A few more deep breaths and the aggravation was gone and in its place... I felt joyful!

The key to what Jesus told me to do is this: "Begin everything with a few deep breaths." When I took the first deep breath, my focus turned to how if felt to breathe deeply. It felt good! Our angelic entourage connect with us through our breath. Clearly my angels were love and joy in the air I was taking in because it changed everything.

In meditation one focuses on the breath to "move oneself outside (the physical world) to a higher place of existence by breathing deeply."

I find myself breathing more and more shallowly when I get aggravated, annoyed, etc. AND... I keep catching myself holding my breath while I work - as I type. Clearly not a good idea.

I'm reminded to "Begin everything with a few deep breaths."

What about you? Did you take a long deep breath while you were reading this? If you haven't, do so now. Notice how your body expands when you breathe in deeply. When the focus is changed from that which is going on around you to the life giving breath of God everything changes.

Take Jesus' words to heart - "Begin everything with a few deep breaths."

How will it change your life? Be open to the guidance in the breath - in breathing deeply you welcome in angels...

May you feel the love of your angels in every breath that you take...

In love and light,

ps - even in aggravation there is divine order - because I asked, I received this wonderful tool of breathing deeply from Jesus... there is perfection in all things...

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