Day 16 of 31 Days to Fulfillment!
Several years ago my husband told me that I was very judgmental. I was shocked. I didn't think I was judgmental at all. My first thought was that others mirror back to us what we are, so I felt certain that he was seeing judgment in me because he is judgmental. Then I realized I wouldn't be mirroring it back to him if I weren't judgmental too.
Oy vey...
I took this to heart. When I began to monitor judgmental things that I thought and/or said I was horrified to discover how judgmental I was. I was taught and conditioned from an early age to make judgments on everything - everything! I've worked at living my life in a non-judgmental way transmuting judgment to love - some times I catch it, and some times I don't - I am human...
When I'm successful and live from a point of love without judgment of others, life is easier with less drama charged emotion than when I get emotionally invested and involved in judgment. From a non-judgment standoint I'm able to hold fast to my personal power by living from a source of love.
Some may think that judgment gives us power, but the reality is that judgment of others saps away our personal power and leaves us in a state of emotional annoyance, upheaval and some times in chaos without clear thoughts or direction.
What about you? Where do you fall on a 1-10 scale of being judgmental?
Invest the time to monitor your judgmental thoughts and beliefs. Set the goal of being non-judgmental and discover the love source of living!
May all your days be judgment free!
In love and light,
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