Monday, September 28, 2009

The Path of Least Resistance - good or bad?

Day 28 of 31 Days to Fulfillment!

What are your thoughts about The Path of Least Resistance? Is it the easy way out, or is it something more?

When we experience life lessons typically they are unpleasant. However if we choose to acknowledge the perfection in the situation and embrace the seed of opportunity the pain of the life lesson will be less severe, learned more thoroughly and be resolved more quickly. Jennifer Hoffman teaches in 30 Days to Everyday Miracles that life lessons have different pathways - one is more painful than the other. It is up to us as to whether we choose the painful pathway or the path of least resistance - the less painful path.

Some may view the path of least resistance as a cop out - giving up. The reality is that if we are continually beating our heads against a wall to accomplish something, then we need to step back and evaluate the situation. Why is what we're doing so hard? Could it be because it is NOT of our highest good? Could it be that the difficulties are a direct sign from the universe that we need to make other choices? Even if it is our job?

It is my firm belief that we do not come here to struggle and suffer. Struggling and suffering is a choice when we believe physical world teachings and conditionings. We have inner strength, wisdom and knowing within us that struggling and suffering is not "normal" - we know from deep within that we are limitless spiritual beings of infinite possibilities.

Struggling with something is a red flag that perhaps what we are working on is not of our highest good. There was a time when I was miserable in my job as an office manager for an architect and felt helpless to do anything about it. If the truck my boss drove was in the parking lot when I pulled in I would burst into tears and would need to get my emotions under control before I could go into the building. I had given my power away. It took a long time for me to open myself up to receive something better. I had to shift my perception of me from within - when I did this another job with better pay and benefits showed up. I was there for two years and got laid off. I then got a job that paid four dollars per hour less. One would think this was not a good thing, but within five years my wage increased 250%, the employer paid 100% of my insurance and I had five weeks paid vacation - and my boss put family first so if my daughter was sick, no problem, I stayed home with her. Did the universe provide for me or what?

People often tell me they hate their job and they feel trapped. I know what that feels like - I always ask them if they burst into tears when they drive into the parking lot - guys always give you a funny look when you ask this... The point is, if we are in a job, relationship, etc that we are that miserable it is because we've done an excellent job at manifesting misery. We are abundant in misery and we need to step back and define what does not give us joy and change it, release it - get rid of it!

We are all powerful beings and yet we wallow in our helplessness and fear. When I went to work for the architect I was going to be there for six months tops - I was there for over four years wallowing in my fear.

If something isn't work, step back, do you need to change directions completely? What is the path of least resistance? What does it look like? There is great strength in looking within to discern guidance and trusting that guidance with complete faith and moving forward on the path of least resistance.

May you open your heart to the path of least resistance...

In love and light,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is truth. I worked at a job for 22 years. It was a job where I felt unappreciated and unhappy, but the pay was good and so I stayed. Finally the Universe showed me, in no uncertain terms, that it was time to move on. I had turned 60 and decided to retire. I went from $3400/mo to a retirement government pension of $571/mo, but I have found such peace and happiness. And I will now pursue my desire to help others, by taking Reiki and QiGong. Money does not bring happiness. Happiness is an inside job. To attain it, we have to change what is inside. And to do that, sometimes we have to be brave enough to change our outside circumstances. May the Divine bless all of you.